5. Ivy

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I woke up to Finn and Sophia sleeping on either side of me in my own bed.

I groaned as I got up and pushed them both off.

Muffled angry noises was coming from both of them.

I watched as they both sat up and looked at me with tired eyes.

"Good morning." I said quietly with a laugh.

"Good morning." Finn replied in a raspy morning voice.

Sophia just mumbled before getting up and walking to my bathroom.

I got out of my bed and walked to my dresser as Finn headed downstairs.

Today, I decided to wear a dress.

I grabbed one of my favourite dresses out of the drawers, forgetting it was winter.

I quickly threw it on before looking out the window.

I saw frost on the grass, so I took the dress off and settled for jeans.


Sophia and I walked down the stairs to see Finn and my mom making breakfast.

I lended clothes to Sophia for the school day, and Finn always leaves spare clothes here.

Sophia and I sat down as Finn served us our breakfast.

As my mom walked into the dining room and sat down, she let out a gasp.

"Honey! What happened to your face?"

I looked at her, confused.

"The bowls." Finn mumbled, helping me remember.

"Oh! Last night we were eating Kraft Dinner when I dropped the bowls and fell on them. They kinda cut me." I laughed.

"Be careful, honey. I don't want any more bad things happening to you today before the dance." My mom mentioned with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"I told her about Levi." Finn said as he took a bite out of his breakfast.

I nodded slowly before filling my mouth with food.

"Ah, look at the time. We better get going." Sophia announced as she pointed at the clock.

Finn and I nodded as we grabbed our already packed school bags and headed out the door.

"Bye mom!" I shouted while running down the driveway.

Sophia closed the door and chased after Finn and I, who were already half way down the block.

"C'mon. Do you guys have to do this to me everyday?!" Sophia yelled, breathlessly.

Finn and I slowed down and waited for her to catch up.

"....thank.....you....." she practically whispered after inhaling loads of air.

We walked the rest of the way to school, talking about the usual stuff.

"Oh my god, tonight's the valentines dance." I said quietly after stopping in my tracks.

Sophia and Finn started screaming.

"You and Levi!" Finn stammered out as he jumped down the sidewalk.

I nodded as I followed them. They were hand in hand, jumping.

I scoffed with a laugh, before tripping on yet another rock that appeared out of no where.

Before my face could hit the ground, I felt someone's arms around my waist, suspending me about three inches from the ground.

The unknown person wasn't Finn or Sophia, I saw them watching me with their eyes wide.

I got myself up and looked up.

The person who helped me was Levi.

"Be careful next time, honey." He said swiftly as he grabbed my chin with his thumb and pointer finger.

I nodded as he walked away.

I wanted to feel butterflies in my stomach when he touched me, and I wanted to like him. I really did.

But it didn't feel right.

Sophia and Finn started running towards me.

"Maybe he's your good luck charm!" Sophia whispered, even though I know she wanted to scream.

I thought about it.

He did save me from falling and smashing my face like I did yesterday. And, I've been experiencing less bad luck after he asked me out.

"Yeah. He's my good luck charm." I told them.

And I even got myself to believe it.

really short chap, but it had to end there, sorry for not updating in years !
Written; October 1

Bon voyage,
- Spooky A

Good Luck Charm ➳ Wyatt OleffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz