Chapter Fourty One

Começar do início

I looked at David and tried to bite back the curses in my empty, hollow self. "That was weird," I said.

"Yeah," David said. "Sorry about that, though."

"It's okay," I replied, waving a hand. "You were right. About the gossip part. But... Don't break any hands, all right? We don't need the whole school gossiping about your strength."

David chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."

We began to walk in the opposite direction of the girls towards the door. As we passed the faculty room, the door suddenly whizzed open and out Mr. Hauge stepped. His eyes flitted to mine and my heartbeat sped up out of pure terror. David quickly wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. "Don't provoke him, Avaley," David whispered in my ear as he walked towards him. "Don't make him any more angry than he already is."

"Aha, Avaley and David, the two latest lovebirds," Mr. Hauge said, clapping his hands together. "May I have a word with you two, if you may?"

I bit my lip hard and stared at my shoes. "Sure, whatever," David said. Mr. Hauge held open the door and I walked in first, then David. 

Once we were all inside, Mr. Hauge closed the door. I expected him to lock it, but instead, he walked over to a couch and plopped down like it was his own couch.

"So," he said, casting a sly look over in my direction. "Report cards were sent out today, were they not?"

"Yeah, so?" David asked. 

"I was a bit shocked to see a sad grade on Avaley's," Mr. Hauge said, looking at me. "Care to enlighten us, darling?"

My hands curled into fists and David shot me a look and shook his head slightly. "No, not really," I choked out. "Everyone flunks up, don't they?" (I was careful not to say a certain bad word when I said 'flunk')

Mr. Hauge laughed, throwing his head back and cackling. What was wrong with him? "You're hilarious, Avaley," he said, grinning slyly at me. "You're so pleasing to me."

"Okay, what do you want to talk to us about?" David asked loudly, stepping in front of me. "We came in here like you asked, and now you're literally throwing yourself onto Avaley. Anything else?"

Mr. Hauge stood up, and I felt myself take a step back. I watched in terror as he walked over to David and chuckled. "Nice boy, standing up for his girl, aren't you?" he said. "I bet Avaley's so happy to see you defending her. But how will she feel when I... Do this?" and then his fist drove into David's stomach, and a scream escaped from my throat. What the heck?

David doubled over but quickly straightened himself. But Mr. Hauge was already coming towards me!

I took a step back, feeling anger and power rising up from me. "Stay away from me," I growled in an unhumane voice that didn't suit my personality at all. "You don't know what I can do."

Mr. Hauge cackled. "Oh, sure I do!" he laughed, and then ripped his shirt off. But I saw a nasty wound on his shoulder - the wound from the pencil I stabbed him with. Unbelievable. "This pretty much sums it all up, doesn't it?!" anger and craziness raged in his eyes. "I don't want to do anything special with you, Avaley, if that makes you feel any worse. I just want to know... WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU?!" he roared and then grabbed a chair and hurled it at me.

I ducked and easily missed the chair as Mr. Hauge came running at me. David yelled something and I did not want to get my fists all over Mr. Hauge's chest so I quickly threw myself back a few good feet away from the crazy man. I grabbed what items I could and just started throwing them at Mr. Hauge. One book hit his head and one microwave (huh?) hit his chest and finally a soda machine was able to knock him down.

Once Mr. Hauge was out cold, David ran over to me and before I knew it, wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. "That was crazy," he said. "I think we should call the police."

"But look at him," I found myself squeak, pointing at the teacher. "It looks like I did this. When they ask him, he'll just say he asked us to come in here and I ended up throwing stuff at him."

David sighed and hugged me again. "We'll think of something, Avaley," he said. "We always do."

It was such a nice moment, being in David's strong, warm arms. And then it got better - because suddenly David was looking at my face and I was looking at his and somehow, we just managed to float closer to each other, destroying all leftover space between us, and instantly, our lips touched and things just went on from there.

Finally, I, Avaley Camber, got to be in physical romantic contact with David Pearson for more than a nanosecond, which is what happened before. And there, cradled in his arms in the faculty room of destruction, I couldn't ask for it to get better. It was perfect. I wanted it to stay like this forever.

Then it all ended when a sharp pain exploded through my wrists and I realized David had wrapped something around my wrists. 

"You're under arrest, Avaley," he growled into my ear. "You have the right to remain silent."

UnchainedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora