Chapter 9

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Natalie's POV
I woke up to my alarm annoyingly ringing in my ear. I hit the snooze button and lugged myself out of my bed. I ran downstairs and made some eggs and bacon for me and Luke. My phone started ringing and I picked it up. "Hey dad, I'm coming to pick you up after school." I said. "Sorry hun, but I kinda got stuck here. I'll be here for another month, Luke called and told me he got back so I trust you two." He said. He hung up the phone and I set down mine. I ate my breakfast quickly and ran back upstairs. "Luke get your lazy ass up! I made breakfast!" I yelled knocking on his door before running into my own room. I got changed into some high waisted shorts, a purple tank top, and slipped a black flannel over my shoulders. "Happy birthday Nat." My brother said while eating. "Thanks Luke." I said I checked my phone and saw a text.

Aaron- hey come out I'm walking you to school.

Me-okay let me grab my bag

I grabbed my bag and put my phone in my back pocket. "Hey I gotta go Katelyn wants me to help the new kids." I lied. He simply nodded and I walked outside. "Happy birthday." He said doing jazz hands. I smiled and thanked him. "So what are you doing after school?" Aaron asked as we started off to school. "I was just gonna hang out with a couple of friends. I don't think my brother would like me to invite you sadly. He's such a pain sometimes." I said pouting. "Don't worry about it." He said with a light chuckle following. We continued talking until we got to school. "I'll see you in werewolf class." He said hugging me and walking off. Katelyn and Teony grabbed my hands and pulled me into the bathroom as soon as I entered school. Aph and Lucinda we're in there too. "We saw you hugging Aaron. Are you two a thing?" Lucinda asked clapping her hands together. "No but I want to ask him to prom to be my date. He is super nice to me and has become one of my best friends. I'm gonna do it tomorrow." I said excitedly. All of the girls squealed and Katelyn crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. "If he hurts you he is so dead." She muttered angrily. I hugged all the girls and we all walked out as we heard the bell ring.

Ivy's POV
I walked out of the stall with Lily after Natalie and her friends left. "Lilly tomorrow you ruin her plans with Aaron. She and her brother have humiliated me one too many times." I said with an evil laugh following. "You got it Ivy." She said.

Natalie's POV
I was going through my classes pretty happily and I got to werewolf class and I noticed Aaron wasn't here yet. I sat down in my seat and looked through my bag for a piece of gum. "Happy birthday to you." I heard a familiar voice start to sing. I looked up from my bag and my jaw dropped as Brendon Urie walked into the room. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Natalie. Happy birthday to you." He sang finally appearing in front of me. He took my hands and pulled me to my feet. He pecked my cheek and I felt tears slip down my face. I pulled out my phone and took some pictures with him. "Who sent you?" I asked wiping away tears. "A guy named Aaron. He pulled a few strings and told me what was up. I'm happy that I got to wish you a happy birthday." He said hugging me and walking out. Aaron walked into the room with a smile on his face and I tackled him to the ground with a hug. "Thank you Aaron you're the best!" I screamed. He hugged me back and the teacher walked in with a confused look on his face.


I walked home with Aaron and Luke glared at him when he came inside our house. "Luke you can't force him out because he got Brendon Urie to come and sing me happy birthday in person." I said showing him the pictures. "As long as you're happy." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Lucas." I said. He nodded and jumped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I jumped next to him and Aaron sat next to me. "Jesus Luke why do you always have it so cold in the house?" I asked. "Reasons and if you mess with it I will wake you up with water every morning." I sighed and I was too lazy to get a blanket. "Here." Aaron said taking off his black jacket and giving it to me. I put it on and it was so much warmer than I thought it would be. "Thanks Aaron." I said as Luke turned on Attack on Titan. "Sind Sie das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!" I sang along loudly. Aaron and Luke laughed and I blushed from embarrassment. I heard a knock at the door and I went to go get it. All of the girls were here so I let them in and hugged them all. "We heard that Brendon Urie came to sing happy birthday to you." Katelyn said. I showed them the pictures and everyone was jealous of me for a second. "Lucky bitch." Lucinda said with a smile. I smiled too and we all went to the couch and watched some TV. "I'm gonna put on some music and Luke you have to dance with me." I said getting up to connect my phone to the speakers. I started playing Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran. I grabbed Luke's hand and started dancing weirdly with him and doing an Irish jig. I heard the door open and assumed it was one of the girls. "She was Nancy Mulligan, I was William Sheeran." I heard a voice sing. I looked at the ginger singer and I froze. "You got both of them for me?" I asked Aaron tears threatening to fall again. "Yep." He said popping the p. Ed hugged me and I took pictures with him. "Happy birthday Natalie." He said kissing my cheek. I blushed and Ed walked out and I tackled Aaron in a hug. I saw the flash of a camera and I didn't care. "You're the best friend I could ever ask for." I said letting go of him. "What the hell? I can't follow that up." Luke whined with a fake pout. "You have to let me put Serpentina on you and that will be just enough." I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and nodded. I ran upstairs and she coiled around my wrist as I took her out of her tank. I walked back downstairs and Luke was standing there with his eyes closed and I gently put her on him. "Is it on yet?" He asked. "Yes and you're doing great." I said watching as people recorded him. "I'll send you this." Aaron whispered. I gave him a thumbs up and Luke opened his eyes and calmed down. "Guess she isn't that bad." He said letting Serpentina coil around his arm. I clapped and got closer to him. "I tortured you and helped you get over your only fear in the same day." I said feeling quite accomplished. "Jesus it got late. I got to take the rest of the girls home." Katelyn said getting her stuff together. "Thank you for coming." I said hugging them each as they went to Katelyn's jeep. "I should probably get going to. My parents are pretty strict." Aaron said with a nervous laugh. "Thank you so much for coming Aaron and getting Ed and Brendon here." I said. "It was no problem and I'm glad I made your day as best as I could. I'll see you tomorrow at school." He said walking out the door. I looked down and realized I still had his jacket on. I ran outside and shouted his name. "I still have your jacket!" I shouted. "Just keep it, I got more at home." He said letting out a small laugh. I smiled and waved as he pulled out of our driveway and Luke came up behind me and hugged me. "Thank you for the best birthday ever." I whispered.

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