Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV
I walked out of my house in a black v-neck, white high waisted shorts, and a red beanie over my braided white hair. I was really dreading the first day of senior year. "Yo Natalie." I turned around and found my little junior friend Laurence. I smiled and waited for him to catch up. "Hey little buddy." I was much taller than him. I ruffled his hair and laughed. He fixed his hair and walked with me. "So you hoping for some cute new freshmen." I said smirking at him. He blushed and laughed nervously. "Yeah I'm gonna get all the babes." He said. I laughed and continued to walk silently. "I'll see you later Laurance." I said as I entered the building and he went off to where his friends were located. I walked to my locker and put my textbooks in. I looked at the picture of me and my ex Balto. It really sucked being a werewolf and dating someone. Usually never worked out. I grabbed it from my locker and threw it away. "Hey babe." I heard an all too familiar voice say behind me. "Ugh. Never call me babe Gene unless you want a fat lip." I threatened. I went to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to look at him. I glared at his hand and twisted his arm behind his back. "Never. Touch. Me. Again." I said letting him go and punching him causing his nose to bleed. He fell to the floor in front of a tall, tan, brown haired and eyed boy. He was taller than me and that was saying something I was currently 5'10. He smirked at Gene on the floor and stepped over him. He's kinda cute-wait no! You just broke up with Balto it'll just end up the same. I walked to all of my classes with Laurance or Garroth. I finally got to werewolf class and was greeted by Balto kissing me. I shoved him away quickly. "Ugh. Don't touch me. We're over remember asshole." He laughed maniacally. It was annoying I just wanted to beat him up. "I'm Alpha remember. I get what I want." he said grabbing my wrist. "Hey let her go." I looked over to the boy who I saw in the hallway. He wasn't a werewolf...I mean he didn't have a tail or ears. "Or what?" Balto questioned him. The boy grabbed Balto by the collar and threw him into the window. He was the new Alpha. I wasn't phased, but the freshman in the hallway was. She had this class I had to help her. She walked over to him. "What the heck you can't just throw someone out the window." She yelled at the boy. I walked towards them and stepped in front of him. "Yo freshman leave him alone it's a werewolf thing just leave it at that and don't do anything to get yourself an enemy." I said as she backed up. "Whatever." She muttered and walked to an empty seat in the front. "Hey thanks." I said blushing as I looked into his deep brown eyes. "It was nothing he didn't need to treat you like that Alpha or not." He said simply. "The name's Natalie by the way." I said before walking over to the broken window and cleaning up. "Nice name. Mine's Aaron." He said. "Ouch!" I looked down at the cut on my hand. "Oh here." Aaron said ripping a piece of fabric from his black hoodie and wrapping it around my hand. "Thanks Aaron." He smiled and we walked to the back of the room and took our seats. "So I'm not so good with werewolves since I'm not one so by any chance do you think you could help me?" Aaron asked with a tinge of embarrassment. "Sure just come by the bleachers after school today." I smiled at him which made him smile. I was listening while Aaron was taking mass amounts of notes. I laughed and he glared playfully at me. "You know your pretty cool for a werewolf. I haven't had someone ever treat me this nice." I blushed at the fact and played with my hair. "No problem. I'm different I guess." I said getting up as the bell rung. "Hey I gotta go get some stuff from my locker I'll meet you out the bleachers."

Aaron's POV
"Hey I gotta go get some stuff from my locker I'll meet you out at the bleachers." She said walking away. I thought she was really nice the way her blue eyes sparkled and her white hair laid over shoulder. God I think I'm falling for a werewolf...a tough one at that. I walked off to the bleachers, but bumped into the guy named Gene that was trying to get with Natalie. "I saw you and Natalie talking, if you try anything to get with my girl you'll regret it." I scoffed amused. "She isn't just an object and the last time I checked you fell on the floor with a bloody nose that she gave you." I retorted getting mad. She didn't deserve to be treated like this. "Whatever just watch your back." I laughed lightly and tripped him. "Whatever you say short stack." I continued to walk to the bleachers. 

Natalie's POV
"So you and Aaron." I sighed and turned around to Gene. I thought of something clever. "Yep. We started dating today." I retorted smiling. Gene looked flabbergasted and stormed away angry. I laughed and grabbed my drawing journal from my locker and slammed it closed. I ran to the bleachers and saw Aaron waiting. I walked up and noticed he had his eyes closed. "Hey your kinda cute while you sleep." I said startling him awake and watching him tumble off the bleacher he rested on. "Thanks a lot." He said sarcastically. I smiled and sat down next to him and flipped open my drawing journal. "So what do you want to know?" I asked starting on a new drawing. It was of him and I took small glances at him. "What is this weird Alpha thing?" I thought for a moment on how to explain. "Well you usually are the biggest and toughest male werewolf and you can challenge the Alpha, but as I said they are usually werewolves. Your the new male Alpha and I always have been the female Alpha. Every werewolf will be waiting until we actually become a couple." I explained taking some glances at a blushing Aaron. I laughed lightly. "Don't worry you can choose whichever female you want." He nodded and wrote down some notes. "Here give me those." He passed me his notes and I tore them up. "Hey!" I grabbed his hand and tugged him along up into a tree. "Here look over in that field." I pointed a field full of wolves. I connected and looked at Aaron my blue eyes stared into Aaron's and he understood. "All you have to do is make a connection Alpha." I said jumping down from the tree.

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