↠ the procrastination tag.

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𒐀 WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WAY TO SPEND A SATURDAY? - With Nate, of course. If we're talking specifics, then I'll list a few things.

A busy Saturday - Going to a festival or fair, trying a new restaurant, going to the movie theater, thrifting.

A relaxed Saturday - Spent at home, cleaning my room or organizing, then settling down to write & spend time with Nate.

Here recently, a lot of my plans have involved shopping, going out to restaurants, spending weekends with Nate, & sleeping, because I'm exhausted from work. Luckily, my lay off period is coming in a few months, so I'll get to catch up on sleep.

𒐀 DO YOU HAVE ANY PET PEEVES? - I have a lot, so I'll start the list below.

People who make fun of other people's music taste.
Those who play with other people's emotions.
People who don't communicate.
People who create hate pages or comment unnecessary hate.
Excessive noise, like multiple people playing different songs at the same time or similar things.
Honestly, just people in general.

𒐀 WHAT WAS YOUR FAMILY LIKE GROWING UP? - It's a weird topic to get into it. My family was definitely loving, but growing up was also very confusing & things were broken a lot of the time. I still have a lot of good memories, it just sucks that the bad things kind of take first place in my mind. The older I've gotten, I've come to realize certain things that were common in my childhood that still affect me to this day. A lot of things I'm still trying to overcome & work through.

𒐀 WHAT WERE YOU LIKE AS A KID? - I was very quiet & reserved. I kept to myself & didn't really have a lot of friends. I would say I'm still the same when it comes to those aspects. I still want to cry every time I have to talk to someone, lmao. I was a really big tomboy, I loved Kid Rock & I wanted to be a veterinarian. I would say the only thing that hasn't changed, besides being quiet, is my huge love for horror movies. I was a horror movie kid, forget Disney. I actually didn't start watching Disney movies until my teen years.

𒐀 WHAT SHOULD I (the readers) KNOW ABOUT YOU, THAT I WOULD NEVER THINK TO ASK? - I'm going to keep the same answer from the last time I did this tag. I feel like everyone & their mom already knows this about me, but I'm really sensitive & I cry a lot over things. I take a lot of stuff to heart, I overthink everything, I reread every comment & worry over them. Anything remotely critical stays in my mind forever. I try to be a cool, hard-shell egg, but deep down, I crack easily & cry all over the place.

𒐀 DID YOU/DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? IF YOU DO, WHAT'S THE STORY BEHIND IT? - I would say my main nickname is May. It's what I go by on here & online in general. It's my middle name & seeing I don't like my real name, I like using May better.

𒐀 WHO WAS YOUR FAVORITE SCHOOL TEACHER/COLLEGE PROFESSOR? - I would say my favorite high school teacher was definitely a toss between Miss. Shellhaas (my AP English teacher), Mr. Stallard (my anatomy & biology teacher), & Mrs. Mason (my sophomore English teacher & College readiness teacher). I feel like they all played a big role in my high school experience & helped me enjoy the classes they taught even more.

𒐀 HAVE YOU FIGURED OUT YOUR CALLING IN LIFE? WHAT IS IT? - I think my calling in life is to create & share with others. Write, express my emotions, give my words to the world. Make people happy, make an impression, make a dent in the world. I think I'm meant to create art & new happiness one word at a time. Either that, or a homegirl has been doing wrong this whole time.

𒐀 WHAT DO YOU HATE MOST ABOUT THE DATING PROCESS? - Let me just go on a rant for a second. I fully believe hook up culture has ruined dating in a lot of different ways. So many people have a mindset of, "Well, what's the point in dating if I can just go hook up with someone, no strings attached?"

That life is not it. Not for me, anyway. Dating is looked at as a joke to a lot of people. A lot of people aren't looking to date anymore, they're just looking for flings & one night stands. Friends with benefits, no labels, no commitment. A lot of people don't know what they want & end up messing with other people's feelings, sometimes on purpose. I just don't have the heart for that. My heart has to have a stable, label friendly relationship. I have to know the person I'm committing to is committed to me all the same.

Before I got with my boyfriend, I was single for a nearly five years, purely because I wasn't dropping my standards just to have a significant other or to not be alone. I would have rather been alone than filled my time with someone who I knew wasn't right for me or someone I didn't see myself being with for a long time. It is very hard to trust people, no matter how much they plea that they're different. Knowing that someone is as serious about you as you are with them is so hard to know these days.

To finish this extremely long rant, I'll add that true dating definitely exists & good people are out there for everyone. I am so glad I waited as long as I did & stayed single as long as I did, so I could find the perfect person for me. My boyfriend makes all of that wait worth it.


TAGS: GraceWCFG , sluttyyyypascal , -heartofgxld , lanalovex , TristanMayy , xonceuponatimex
wheredidmysoulrunoff , dannyshearts ,-aetherealwriter , ruesbennett , harryspoision , girlflesh
pxterparkerfilmss , mjthe112222aaaa , angelbabiejoeyy , PrettyLilAngelRose , mirayakubu , GIVE_UP_ON_ME_NEVER , born2d13 , RailingFicMen , -grxngerdxnger- , Nyhterides , midi_ocre , -lahoteslvr , ThatCrazyLeftTwix , ice_queen_bee , stop_barking_bro , -soloskies , WillyWon2020 , Loki_is_a_hero , acefiree , Sofiabeldris , Reedally09 , Pearls1128 , catancha , NewWritercoming , cjcdswriting , starxsky3 , mercyyjude , piedmonts , makaylasikes01 , MichaelMckinley3

𒐀 I love that I originally called this tag the procrastination tag, because I definitely procrastinated revamping it, lmao. I hope you all enjoyed these questions & the answers to go with them! Feel free to answer along!


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