3 - The Ultimate Milkshake

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My eyes flicker open and I am instantly aware of a huge pain in my back and I attempt to turn over, but someone grabs my hand, shaking their head. I blink at them slowly and try to figure out who they are.

"Honey, it's okay, Trystan's just in the shower," They say, helping me to sit up, "Do you want anything?"

I shake my head, but smile to show them that I know what they're talking about. They squeeze my hand and leave, as Trystan returns, rubbing a towel through his dark hair.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," He smiles.

"What happened?" I demand, trying to piece together my surroundings.

"Calm down, you're in one of our guest rooms. I called your dad after you passed out in my car, and our housekeeper's put a bandage on your ankle," Trystan says, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Trystan, I just woke up in a strange place and you've just showed up, so please tell me what's going on," I demand, looking at him urgently.

Trystan gently takes my hand, then seems to think better of it and releases it, tucking the covers up over me more. I push them off slightly and look at him, raising one eyebrow expectantly. Trystan sighs, "Okay, you were out at some party, miles out of town and you called me, demanding that I come and pick you up. So I did."

"Why am I here? Why am I not at home?" I ask, shivering slightly.

"I couldn't take you home - you were super drunk. You were also pretty shaken up, so I brought you here," he states, "Now come on, Patricia's making some breakfast?"

I smile and Trystan helps me out of bed, but I won't let it go so easily. We end up hobbling down the stairs with Trystan's muscular arm wrapped around my waist and my arm flung around his shoulders, trying to take as much of the weight off my ankle as possible. I trip at the bottom, stumbling into Trystan and his arms instinctively go around me.
I feel his eyes on me and look up, his brown eyes burning into mine. I softly put my arms down on his and exhale, leaning into him.

Then a door opens, squeaking slightly. The moment shatters and I step away from Trystan reluctantly and he lowers his arms slowly.

"Sorry, Trystan, I didn't mean to disturb you," A warm female voice cuts in, "I was just going to tell you that breakfast is ready."

"Thank you, Patricia," Trystan says, stepping away from me and holding the door open for me, "You coming, Erin?"

"Of course," I say quietly, wishing the moment hadn't ended - wishing that Trystan hadn't let go. As I slip through the door, Trystan closes the door softly behind me and rests his arm around me, gently holding me up. I lean into him slightly and feel him tense up.

He helps me into a chair and Patricia places two huge heaps of pancakes and bacon in front of us, reminding me of Dad. I sigh slightly but drizzle some syrup over my pancakes, taking a mouthful and relaxing slightly. I look up and meet Trystan's eyes, which are softly laughing at me, watching my every move.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask, looking at him through my eyelashes.

"I like looking at beautiful things," Trystan says casually, taking a swig of his orange juice. I flush, ducking my head and focusing on my pancakes.

When I look up again, Trystan is no longer sat opposite me. I look around the room and my eyes come to rest on Trystan, who is suddenly kneeling next to me.

"You aren't going to propose, are you?" I joke, trying to act casual.

"Are you rejecting me before I even have the chance to ask?" Trystan demands, feigning incredulity.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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