"I need to ask something from her and she was sitting too far, I don't wanna disturb the class." Blake shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well you disturbed the class anyway." Mr. Johnson once again looked really very angry with Blake.

"Next time how about you discuss everything after the class?" Mr. Johnson replied. His voice was almost at edge, anyone can easily sense the anger in it. He was one of those teachers who don't like any type of hindrance in there classes, and everyone at school knows this.

Blake nodded and Mr. Johnson, after giving one final glare to Blake, got back to the board. I saw Chris glaring at Blake, who to my utter dismay, was still smirking. I can once again smell Blake's familiar scent, the one I was not able to distinguish but I did come to the conclusion that I kind of liked it.

"Stop talking to him." Blake commanded. I didn't dare to look at him, neither I made any move that can tell him that I heard him.

Yes I ignored what he said.

"He can get you in some nasty trouble." Blake once again whispered audible enough for me to hear him clearly. I again didn't make any move to which Blake had some other plan.

He reached out and held my right hand.

"You hear me?" he asked. I again didn't answer him, not because I ignored him, but because his hand over mine, was messing up with the nerves of my brain. All I can do was to concentrate on his hand on mine. His large, warm, muscular hand on mine. The large veins were running up his sleeves and I restricted myself from tracing it.

He squeezed my hand to bring me back to reality. "Jeez! can you just please stop acting weirdly and answer like a normal person for once?" once again arrogance made his way to his voice, although he was just whispering.

I nodded, bit didn't make any move to remove my hand.

However, he did.

"Damn your hands are clammy." He remarked and then wiped it on his shirt. I didn't dare to tell him that the clamminess of my hand was because of him. I didn't even dare to look up after that. It was just way too overwhelming for me.

I tried my best to focus on the class after that but with Blake's body scent engulfing my surroundings, I wasn't able to do so.

The bell rang, indicating the end of the period. I send my prayers to heaven for setting me free from this hell. I began packing up my stuff in hurry. Blake however was faster and got up to leave but before leaving he turned around and said, "Parking lot. Remember." With that said he left.

I was about to leave too when someone held my left arm. I turned around and to my horror it was Chris.

"He is the one you should be afraid of." He told me, looking directly in my eye. I didn't understand what he meant. And once again I found myself focusing entirely on a hand covering mine. I nodded nonetheless.

"I'll be there at parking lot too. Don't worry. And yes tell your parents you'll be bit late today. Make up some lie or anything. I'll drop you off myself this time." He finished. And I found myself getting lost at the blue orbs looking at me. I again concluded that Chris is way too handsome. His jawline looked tempting. I tried my best not to make fool of myself and fixed my gaze at my shoe after nodding in response.

He released my arm and got out of the class. Exhaling audibly, I left the class too.

The rest of the first half flew by and I was kind of dreading the end of second half.

I never took the lunch at cafeteria after the incident when all three of them addressed me directly. So, library became my safe heaven after that. The old librarian however, never misses a chance to give me a distaste look. As if I messed up with her child not a book. After finish eating sandwich I brought, I thought of leaving the Library early so that I can collect some papers from Ms. Campbell.

I exchanged my books from my locker and began moving towards Ms. Campbell class. The hallways didn't have many students, as most of them were either at cafeteria or somewhere outside where they can spend some private time. Just a few were lingering here and there.

Walking toward Ms. Campbell class, I was creeply looking at the two guys making out at the end of the hallway. But again my short walk to Ms. Campbell class was hindered when I was very roughly pulled to an empty classroom.

The shock was so evident that I screamed but it was muffled with a hand covering my mouth. I wonder if the guys at the end of the hallway heard me, as they were not that far, but again I highly doubt that they would take a short break from their heavenly moments, to help the person in distress.

I was spun around very roughly that my head hit the wall behind. The person who abducted me close the door. I was still trying to calm my breaths and looked up at the culprit only to get the bigger surprise. Shocked, I had to hold the nearest chair to protect myself from falling.

"We need to talk."



Hello again everyone :) how was this chapter? Hope you all enjoyed it.

Any idea who abducted Amanda?

Pardon me for any grammatical errors or typos. Feel free to point them out politely. I'll correct them as soon as possible.

Picture on the side is of Blake. ;)

This chapter is once again dedicated to one of my first friend in Wattpad. DianaTheThird as my friend just got featured. Gosh! I am so happy for you dear. Hope you achieve all your dreams. If any of you love fantasy, go read her book you all will surely love it. Trust me she won't disappoint you.

That's it for today. I hope you all will enjoy your holidays.

Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Love you all.

- Eliza ❤

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