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Camilla: when the fuck did you get that iPhone 8 plus.

I was texting Ross as camilla opened the front door, her jaw dropped.

Laura: uh...hello to you too.

I quickly replied to Ross, as I walked in, shutting my phone.

Camilla: seriously, Laura!

Laura: I was looking it up online last night, and was gonna order it this morning. But I guess Justin beat me to it.

Camilla: Justin bought you that phone?!

Which I'm not really happy about.

He spends way too much money on me. Thinking that I like all the expensive shit he buy. I mean...I appreciate it. And of course I fucking love them. But it's just too much.

Camilla: why didn't you get the iPhone X?

Laura: ewww. No. That phone is so ugly.

I sat on the couch.

Laura: where's mom?

Camilla: I don't know.

I was flipping through the channels, as I saw Camilla going though my phone.

She opened my contacts, and her jaw dropped.

Camilla: you've got so many cool people on here.

Laura: yeaaahhh...give me that.

Camilla: wait!

She kept scrolling.

Camilla: can I take down some of these numbers?

Laura: uh, no. You cannot do that. Why?

Camilla: because!

She paused.

Camilla: people at school would pay me shiiiiittt if I let them talk on the phone with Ariana Grande for FIVE minutes!.....damn, you've got Selena on her.

Laura: ew. Delete her number.

I snatched my phone away before she started taking screenshots of the numbers.

Laura: I can't just give out their numbers.

Yesterday actually went by pretty well after the whole almost accident thingy.

Justin apologised for acting like a frog, and he dropped me back at the lynch house, where the girls and Ross and I went to mall to look for dresses.

I didn't really find the perfect dress, so I have to go again.

Camilla: Laura, when is your new single coming out?

I'm gonna be releasing my new song soon, but I'm not quite sure about the date yet.

Scooter just always likes to delay my music. And I have no idea why.

Laura: I'll let you know when I find out.

Camilla: what about your wedding? I don't really see you and Justin talking about it?

It Should've Been MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang