s e v e n t e e n

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Savannah: I can't believe I'm actually in your apartment.

So...savannah and I went to get coffee, and hung out for a bit. And now we're at Justin and I's apartment. He called and said his Mum's flight got delayed, and they'll be here tomorrow instead. 

Savannah: oh my god!

She gasped as if she just realised something.

Savannah: you're engaged to Justin Bieber. Does that mean he lives here too?!

Laura:...uh...yeah. I'm actually not sure if he's home or not. I think I saw one of his cars, but maybe scooter could've picked him up...

Maybe bringing savannah here was a very good idea.
I mean...I literally just picked up a fan, and brought her into my home.

But she was really hurt. And I'm really glad that I was able to make her feel better. Riker was being a complete ass hole, and she did not deserve that at all.

Laura: I'm really sorry for what Riker did?

Savannah: it's okay, I guess.....how do you know his family again?

Laura: well...his brother Ross is my best friend. And we are also on a Disney show together..

Savannah: Riker's brother was in Austin and Ally?

Laura: yeah. He played Austin.

So I'm guessing Savannah isn't really fan of the Lynch's.


Laura: bye.

I said, as I shut the door.

Savannah just left, and well, I'm just here bored I guess.

Justin didn't really told me where he was going, and I know he wasn't with scooter because I called the studio, and there's no one there.

I texted Ross to come over, but he was busy. So I decided to call Justin and find out where he was, as it was getting kinda late.


I said as he finally picked up his phone. And I could hear music in the back ground.



Laura: wait...a-are you slurring your words?

He didn't sound normal. He actually sounded quite drunk.

Justin: no...nooo, baby I wanna come home thought, I am HARD as a rock! Need a good bang right now--

Laura: Justin!...wait, where are you? Should I come get you?


He was at a club?

Justin: they're too many horny bitches here though, Laura. I wanna come home to youuuuuu!

Well, at least that made me feel better.

I should probably leave him there though. Because if he comes home, he's gonna wanna have sex, and I really don't want to do that right now. But if he stays there drunk, not knowing what he's doing, he'll  probably end up fucking some random slut.

And can I let that happen?

So I called Fredo, and thank god he wasn't a drunk mess.

He brought Justin home, passed out.

Laura: thank youuuuu.

Fredo: I honestly don't know why he really wanted to go to the club anyway.

Laura: he did?

Fredo: yep...

Laura:...so what am I dealing with here? How much did he drink..?

Fredo: oh, ALOT....oh and he...said a lot of shit in the car too.

He smirked.

Fredo: for example...how much you love it when he sucks your left nipple.

He said laughing as I gasped, and my eyes went wide.

I could feel my cheeks burning.

Fredo: and the way you moan his name when he hits that good spot--

Laura: oh my god, stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

I cut him off, and he was just laughing.

Laura: he said all that?

Fredo: and a whole lot more...drunk Justin just can't keep his moth shut.

Laura: he can't..

Fredo: and you don't seem to be denying it. So I'm guessing it's all true.

Laura: oh shut up!


Hope you like this chapter. It was really just a filler.



It Should've Been MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ