"Unbelievable," Alfred muttered. He would never even think about ordering Flora around like that. She would most likely drug him if he even tried. In this day and age, who still believes that women are only useful for doing jobs around the house?

"So, where is the God?"

"Randy, you haven't seen me in years. Do you not care about me and my family? Look at Hunter, he's eighteen and grown up." Anthony was challenging him with the look in his eyes.

"Hunter? Hah, how pathetic." Randy turned and looked at his nephew's son. It was true that he was growing into a strong and stable looking young man. However, the past was written all over his face. "Do you really think I came here to be associated with the boy who caused my sister to die?"

There are moments for Hunter when his hearing appears to be broken. It felt like his head was suddenly submerged within a sink full of ice cold water. Everything felt numb, quiet, still and empty.

Flora quickly climbed to her feet with a raging fire burning in her gaze, trying to overpower him with her small frame.

"Are you aware that the God is standing in this room, listening to your repulsive beliefs and hearing you talk with such a disrespectful manner towards his mate?" She questioned, almost trembling with rage.

"Oh, I'm very aware that Hunter is mated to another man who is in fact, the God of wolves. Honestly, how does such royalty allow that? Two men together, it is simply wrong."

Jacob stood with confidence when he made eye contact with Randy. A moment of clarity washed through his twisting mind.

"My son can love whoever he wants," Scott frowned. "Who are you to tell him what's right and what's wrong?"

"Yeah," William added and subconsciously stood closer to Sam. "Why are you so... closed minded?"

"I'm not, I've just had a correct upbringing-"

"What, so mum didn't?" Anthony questioned. "She would have loved Jacota and my son being together. She taught me that love is one kind of feeling, shared between everyone no matter who they are. She didn't let dad treat her like some slave, she had rights and fought for them. Who the hell raised you? Because it wasn't who raised her."

Randy crossed his arms and looked his Nephew up and down with filth in his gaze.

"She would be so disappointed-"

"Don't give me that crap," He scoffed. "Did you ever think about why she barely visited you or Liz? She knew you were bad influences for our child and wanted him to be raised without being encouraged by the way you think." Anthony turned towards his son who was fighting against his feelings, trying to keep the tears away. "He's gay," He took a breath of air, calming his heart. "And he's perfect."

Liz entered the room with tea for her brother. However, she heard what has been said.

"You know what?" Randy flung his hand, knocking the tea out of his sister's grip. The eyes in the room followed it through the air until it smashed against the wall, sending tea and bits of broken pottery all over Flora. She flinched and cried out from the heat of the liquid. The mouths in the room gasped while Alfred frantically wiped her face and brushed away the broken clay from her lap.

"Are you alright my dear?" He questioned and gently took off her glasses so he could wipe them clean.

All the werewolves' blood was instantly boiling in their veins.

"I wish Hunter drowned in that lake instead of our sister and her husband. He doesn't deserve a God, he deserves nothing because he hasn't earnt-"

"Enough!" Jacob yelled, his voice was deep and powerful, instantly silencing Randy. A low growl sent shivers down his arms. The God stepped forwards, feeling the sway of the alcohol but his Godly mind was not prepared to let it in. "How dare you talk about him like that. What gives you the right to say such insulting things to my mate?"

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