07 | rick x reader | headaches

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rick x reader / headaches
warnings: cursing & alien subways

you and rick are getting ready for an upcoming raid on a ship not too far from the planet you're in. you both are currently geared up with weapons and other devices.

as you walk down the busy street of this alien city, you fiddle with the laser pistol in your hand, while rick, from beside you, just casually drinks from his flask.

after a sip, he speaks up, "so, are we going now or what?" he has the same tone of voice as always, but you ignore him and continue fiddling with your weapon. this causes rick to arch his brow and peer down at you from the corners of his eyes.

he watches as you mumble nonsense, before you sigh and drop your arm to the side while the other raises up to rub your temple.

this doesn't go unnoticed by rick, but he's too lazy to ask what's wrong so he just shrugs, "t-t-then, h-how about we get some food f-first, huh?"

at the mention of food, you bright up and give rick a sideways glance, "that'll be great."

the man just nods and shoves his flask inside his coat, then he reaches over and grabs you by your hand to lead you to a nearby alien fast food place.

you don't protest. he usually does this when he's in a hurry to get somewhere - but he doesn't do it when morty is around.

you both made it to a store that's similar to subway and shuffle inside. as you do so, the store seems to be filled with a lot of talking aliens, and the loud noise rings in your head.

you eye rick as he turns his back on you to order something, your hand still in his. when you know he isn't looking, you bring your free hand to your forehead and rub it.

you're not sure why you have a headache, but the noise makes you wince in pain.

rick doesn't notice this, but his voice brings you out of your thoughts, "(name), go find a table." he orders you, and you don't even protest, even though that's what you would usually do. you just slip your hand out of his and comply to find a table.

surprised that you followed his order, rick peers over his shoulder to see you stalking over to a table, tired and sighing.

at the sight, he looks worried for a second, before he turns back to the alien bitch behind the counter.

he orders two 'sandwiches', and brings the tray over to where you're sitting, slipping in the booth in front of you.

you don't make eye contact with him, you just reach over, grab the food provided and silently munch on it.

watching you, rick narrows his eyes, "w-what d-do you want s-something else or?"

you peer up at him, cheeks full, as you shake your head, "it's good." you tell him simply, muffled from the food.

rick bites into his own sandwich, and continues to eye you suspiciously, "are you sick or something?"

"no." you tell him honestly with a shrug.

suddenly, someone screeches, making you wince and hiss slightly. rick notices this, and he turns to the source of the sound.

across the store, is just a child jumping up onto a chair because of a really large cockroach. rick snarls at the situation, annoyed that something as simple as that is disturbing you.

his gaze falls back onto you again, and he finds you with your head on the table.

he arches his brow, "what's wrong with you?" he asks causally, taking another bite from his sandwich.

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