(Valt X Reader) Destined

Start from the beginning

For example is this conversation*

(Valt: 1

Kensuke actually Beus: *looks around if quiet* Two!!

Wakiya and Rantaro: Three!!!

Daina: You guys said it at the same time.. Truth or Dare?)

(Y/N): Ok I start first... One!!!

Daina: Two...

Valt: Three

Rantaro: Four

Wakiya and Shu: Five

Valt: Hah! You both said it at the same time!! Truth or dare?

Wakiya: I'll pick truth.

Rantaro: I hate it but I agree with you..

(Y/N): How about what's one of your embarrasing secrets??

Wakiya: Really?

Valt: Yes really..

Wakiya: Finee.... I dance the baby shark dance in the bathroom whenever I'm taking a bath...

Everyone burst into laughter... As Wakiya just bury his face in his hands due to embarrasment.

Rantaro: Why mehh

Daina: Just say it Rantaro..

Rantaro: I sing Lady Gaga's song Born This Way when I'm alone at the house...

(Y/N): Pffttt.. *holds laughter* we should really take a video of them doing it..

Shu: One

Wakiya: Two

(Y/N):  Tres

Everyone looks at you...

(Y/N): What no spanish?

Valt: Four

Beus: Five

Daina: Six

Rantaro: Seven

Shu and Daina: Eight

Rantaro: Guys~ you knawh what this means~

Daina: Dare, I won't be saying something embarrasing.

Shu: I agree

(Y/N): I second the motion!!

Wakiya: They are going to the do the dare not you..

Valt: If your not saying something embarrasing then both of you are gonna do something embarrasing...

Shu: Don't you dare Valt..

Valt: Wakiya cue the music

Wakiya turns on his phone and plays

Daina: I ain't dancing Wakiya's sissy dance!!

Wakiya: Hey!

Rantaro: You are so do it 🎶🎶Baby Shark doo doo doo doo~

Shu and Daina stands up and tries to copy the dance steps in the video all you guys keep holding your laughter as you see them struggling to dance it.

Daina: That wasn't so bad

(Y/N): Shu didn't pffft know pfft you could dance hahaha!!

Shu: Shaddup (Y/N) or should I say Mrs. Aoi??.

(Y/N): Shut up...

Daina: One

(Y/N) and Valt: Two!!!

Both of your faces pales as you realized what just happen.

Wakiya: Ahemmm seems like its destined pfftt.

(Y/N): I pick truth

Valt: Me too

Rantaro: Ok then do you love each other?~

Your face went red that it looks like you just ate a mountain of chili peppers

Valt: Can we skip this?

Rantaro: Noo

He then shove you two in a cabinet and closed it.

Ker: We ain't opening this cabinet if you two won't tell the truth!!!

(Y/N): You (censored)!!!

Valt: Umm (Y/N) I really need to be honest with you...

(Y/N): Umm what do you mean??

Valt: (Y/N) your really the perfect package, your smart, beautiful at the same time kind, you are funny and fun to hang out with-

Wakiya: Hurry up in there my arms are getting tired.

Rantaro: *hits him* Hey they're both having a moment here.. So just give them space k?

Valt: I love you!!! (Y/N) would you be my girlfriend!!!

(Y/N): Yes I would be happy to be.

Then Valt leaned in for a kiss it lasted for just a few minutes but it was amazing...

(Y/N): I love you Valt..

So yeah Author Chan here... Ummm so sorry for the well you know late update School has been slowing me down but well I have a three day vacay so I'll try to update as much as I can...

Sorry for  grammar mistakes

Have a good day everyone

WOW for this story is

Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try

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