Birthday Sentence

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Since I got bored I did this...

Don't be shy and Comment down your birthday sentence...

The blank _____ means your birthmonth and its corresponding meaning.

#1 Your Birthdate

1. _____ stalked you

2. _____ ate your pickle

3. _____ made you a teddy bear

4. You and ____ kidnapped Emma Watson.

5. _____ offered you a pocky stick

6. ____ stole your underwear

7. ____ sang Bruno Mar's song Versace on The Floor to you.

8. You made ____ a dress for Lady Gaga

9. ____ told you his darkest secret

10. You and ___ got drunk

11. You and ____ got stucked in an island

12. You and ____ became terrorists

13. You and ____ had a family

14. ____ dances around with a sheep costume in front of you

15. ____ and you bake cookies together

16. _____ serenades to you

17. ___ hit you with a rubber chicken

18. ____ carries you bridal style

19. ____ and you danced in the pouring rain

20. ___ and you got in detention

21. ___ cooks your favorite food

22. ___ tutors you.

23. ___ does your hair

24. ____ sang to you to make you sleep.

25. ____ and you went to the mental hospital

26. _____ stole your food

27. _____ and you played house

28. _____ and you cuddled

29. ____ gave you chocolates

30. ____ puts you inside a sack

31. ____ spend his day with you

#2 Birthmonth

January- Shu

February- Daina

March- Kensuke

April- Zenkuro (Zac)

May- Wakiya

June- Valt

July- Xander

August- Lui

September- Orochi

October- Rantaro

November- Ukyo

December- Akira

Color Of your Shirt

Red - Because he loves you.

Orange- Because he is high.

Blue- Because your sexy and he know's it.

Green- Because he doesn't know what to do with his life.

Yellow- Because he wanted to be like Barrack Obama.

Pink- Because you told him to

White- Because both of you are mental patients

Purple- Because he and you were bored

Black- Because there were no more cookies anymore

Mixed- Because he wan'ts to be healthy

Other- Because Donald Trump won

So anyway I still take requests just message me if you have one...
And Happy TGIF everyone but if its still thursday there... I dunno anymore...

My Birthday Sentence is Wakiya
And I danced in pouring rain because both of us are mental patients Lol....😂😂

So comment down...

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