p16: soulmate au (losers club)

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Eddie Kaspbrak ;
    - when you touch you see color
You hadn't been able to see color your whole life. It felt like the world could be so much more.
You found your soulmate when you were 12, that was when you really started hanging out with your brother Richie and his friends. They started inviting you places with them and you would just hang out with them. You started to grow really close with them. You were still looking for your soulmate at this time, you knew most people didn't find them until they were teenagers but you were anxious to find yours.
It was one day when you and the group were at the quarry just messing around. "Oh my god!" You yelled after Richie dunked you underwater. "Are you okay?" Eddie asked, concerned. "Yeah, she's totally fine," Richie answered for you. You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, I'm going to get out though." You told them. You pulled yourself out of the water and laid on the rocks.
You felt someone watching you so you turned your head to see the boys. Eddie was floating in the water while the other boys, Richie, Stan, and Bill, were messing around. You smiled at him and his cheeks darkened, which your mother had told you meant a boy was blushing, before turned around and joking the boys. You smiled and then laid back down.
A while later the boys joined you to dry off. You sat up and started to put your clothes back on. "Hey, Eds! Can you hand me my shorts?" You asked him. He looked up at you quickly and then grabbed your shorts before handing them to you.
Your fingers brushed.
Even thought it had been ever so slightly it had a big impact. The whole world around you seemed to light up and you could see everything for how it really was. You and Eddie stared at each other and all the others stared at you. You grabbed Eddie's hand and he grabbed your other hand.
You both looked around at the forest around you, looking at everything. "Oh my..." Eddie whispered and then turned back to you. "You're my..." You whispered, returning his stare. "Yeah..." He sighed, looking up at you in awe. You beamed and engulfed him in a hug. "Wow, how did Eddie find his soulmate before me? And it's my fucking sister!" He groaned and threw his hands up.

Stanley Uris ;
- you have the same tattoo on your wrist as your soulmate
You stared at your wrist and traced the outline. It was a heart with an arrow the the center of it. You wondered how many different tattoos people were born with. What if more then one pair of soulmates had the same one?
You sighed and slumped in your chair, putting your head on your desk. You ran your hand through your hair and sighed. It had been a long day and tracing the marking made you feel better.
"I think the whole soulmate thing is stupid. You all have found yours and I still can't find mine," You heard a boy behind you rant. "Well actually me, Bill, and Eddie haven't found ours," You heard another boy say.
You looked at them out of the corner of your eye. One of them was rather cute, you knew his name was Stanley, and the other one who had spoke was named Richie.
You propped your arm up on its elbow so that your tattoo was right in your face. You heard a loud gasp from behind you so you snapped your head around. The two boys that had been talking behind you were staring at you. "Wha-?" You started to question.
The boy, Richie, pointed at your arm and grabbed Stan's arm. "How have you never noticed that your soulmate sits right in front of you Stanley!" Richie exclaimed and put yours and Stanley's arm together.
Your eyes went wide when you looked at the identically markings. "Whoa..." You whispered and looked up at Stan. "Well, hi. I'm Stan," Stanley said. "I'm (y/n)."

Mike Hanlon ;
    - first word you speak to each other on your wrist
"Wow, oh um, yeah." That was all that was written on your arm. You were confused by that for all your life. You didn't know why someone would just say wow to you as the first thing they ever say to you.
You were riding your bike along with the other losers. You all finally stopped when you saw Bower's car and a bike.
"Isn't that homeschool's bike?" Richie asked. "Yeah, that's Mike's bike," Beverly replied. Your eyes went wide, "When there's a kid's bike and Bower's car, that can't be good," You said, all of you dropping your bikes, well not Stan, he took the time to prop his up.
You all ran down the hill where you saw Mike on the ground with Henry and his gang tormenting him. "Hey! Stop!" You yelled.
You had never really talked to Mike, but you had wanted to. You looked around for a distraction and your eyes finally landed on the rocks that lay below you.
You grabbed one and threw it at Henry's head. "Rock wars!!!" Richie exclaimed before getting hit in the head with a rock.
After a while of the rock wars you had helped Mike get to safety. "Are you okay?" You asked him. He was just staring at you. "Wow, oh um, yeah," He replies and nodded quickly.
Your mouth hung open as you stared at him. He looked down at both your wrists and then looked back up at you. A small smile danced over his lips, and yours.

Ben Hanscom ;
    - countdown for when you first meet
The countdown on your wrists had been getting smaller and smaller. It currently said 5 minutes and 3 seconds. Your foot bounced anxiously.
You were waiting. You were sitting in the library, trying to study your book for history.
The time seemed to go slower and slower as your countdown counted down. When your clock finally hit 00:00:00, a boy sat next to you.
You looked up and saw a boy who was too into his book to have even looked at his countdown. You raised your eyebrow and lightly tapped his shoulder.
It took him a few seconds to take his eyes off his book but when he did his mouth fell open. "I-I, was someone sitting here?" He asked, slightly panicking. "No, no. I just wanted to tell me you're my soulmate," You boldly said. The boy's eyebrows shot up as he looked at his own countdown. "Oh! I haven't looked at it all day..." He said and then he looked at you. "I'm Ben. Ben Hanscom," He introduced himself. "I'm (y/f/n) (y/l/n)," you responded with a grin.

//sorry some of these are bad/short but i hope you liked it. one for the cast will be up soon//

they're gazebos!  - ITOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora