[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, Kid [8]

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Things after Demetrio's mission with the Brotherhood Assassins only grew more hectic, so that Miranda grew more and more curious as the days seemed to rush by; so much so, that she began to eavesdrop once again to gain the knowledge she wanted. She found that someone with the name of Guido had run off in the middle of an important mission. He still had yet to be found, and this seemed to worry Demetrio and Vittoria. It also seemed to have come into recent knowledge that he may have left something incriminating behind for the rest of the members involved in the mission. It didn't take a genius to figure out that that could be potentially fatal.

So potentially fatal it seemed to be, that Demetrio had taken to waking Miranda up in the middle of the night, already dressed in his Assassin robes (he had been staying in the Dragon Clan's household since his last mission). Rubbing her bleary eyes, the brown-eyed girl gave her mentor a confused look in return.

"Hurry and dress," he muttered lowly, giving the girl another shake to ensure she stay awake. "We need to leave soon." After uttering this, Demetrio then promptly handing the girl the clothes she had worn earlier that day and then turned and began hastily stuffing extra clothes and other necessities in a bag.

"What's going on...?" was all Miranda managed to mumble out grumpily dressing in the dirtied clothes.

"Some things have come up that I'm sure you've heard of." Here the girl clearly heard some type of humor as she finally pushed her glasses back onto her face. "If we are to complete your training without any... mishaps, we are to relocate to our main base."

"And what do you mean by mishaps?"

"... Death..."

It didn't take long after that for the girl to hurry her way after Demetrio after stuffing her feet hurriedly into her boots. Making their way from Point A (the Dragon Clan household) to Point B (the roadways) was not as easy as it sounded, especially in the middle of the night. In fact, Miranda had found herself tripping over several things (these included, but were not limited to; crates and other people). This usually created some type of a ruckus that only served to slow the two of them down. Eventually Demetrio solved this problem with a disapproving look before proceeding to pick the clumsy girl up under one arm to stop the guards from inspecting each and every crash or heated shout.

"S-Sorry!" was the only reply the dejected girl could come up with.

"- need to work on your stealth -" was only one of the frustrated and disappointed mutterings coming from Demetrio that she managed to catch. This managed to deflate her ego even more.

Once they reached the archway leading out and away from Florence (Demetrio now setting Miranda back on her own feet warily) the high-ranking assassin had been forced to spare a few florins to get a couple of courtesans to tantalize and distract the guards away from the opening long enough for the two to hurry out. Miranda now held a new respect for the prostitutes.


Giovanni found himself nervously pacing, hands clasped behind his back, late that night. His family asleep in their beds, everything quieted down for the night (unless Claudia decided to get up and try to sleep with her parents again, as was becoming more and more current in her behavior). His worry had only been growing over the past few days, so much, that it had becoming increasingly difficult to hide it from his dauntless wife.

If Guido had gone traitor as the scarlet robed assassins thought than his disappearance in the mission to eliminate Remigio had been planned, could lead to something catastrophic. This could even lead to Maria, Federico, Ezio, and even little Claudia getting involved in the crossfire between Assassins and Templars.

If he was going to protect his family and himself he had to work fast and to find out what Guido had done, and even, if needed, find a way to protect himself. This was easier said than done.


Several hours had passed, night had turned over to dawn, and Demetrio had finally decided to slow the horse down to a simple trot instead of the frenetic galloping he had originally kept up. This was how Miranda finally found herself drooping onto the neck of the chestnut horse, drooling drowsily onto his mane, barely keeping herself awake with the help of the jerky movement of the horse.

"Just a little longer and we'll set up camp... I don't think the horse will last long if we push him to hard..."

"What is this we you speak of?" was the mumbled reply followed by a yawn. "His name is Sora, by the way..."

"Sora? That's an awfully odd name... Did you just make it up?" the dark haired assassin questioned, glancing down at his apprentice.

"No. I did not." Miranda snorted sitting up slightly and wiped away the drool dribbling down her chin while musing over where she did get the name from. A game her brother, Matt, had loved to play, Kingdom Hearts.

"Well, either way, it's certainly as outlandish a name as yours." At this jest, the bespectacled girl sent her mentor a look.

[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, KidWhere stories live. Discover now