[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, Kid [4]

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About a month had passed before Miranda began getting irritated with the unanswered questions and suddenly stopped conversations when she walked into the room. So, when a bloodied up man in the crimson and black uniform-looking clothes that Miranda knew so well (from the many patch-ups, of course), she sneaked her way up the stairs and down the hallways, hiding behind the many pedestals holding vases and the like and under tables with long clothes draped over them. This path eventually led to a room, where the man was laid down, and several of the servants and maids began cleaning and bandaging his wounds, while Vittoria and another elderly woman and man supervised. The wounded man's partner (who had dragged him in) stood attentively on the far side of the room.

It took awhile, and some of the wounds the man sustained were crudely stitched, Miranda noted, as she watched from the not fully closed door, though their faces and expressions were hard to make out as the windows were covered with thick blankets over the already closed curtains and was only lit with a primitive kerosene-like lamp or two.

"What happened?" Vittoria finally asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"It was an ambush. The Templars knew we were coming somehow, Mama Dragon..." the wounded man's partner answered, clenching and unclenching his hands in anger.

"What of Biagio, Demetrio? And the Brotherhood's members? Did they not make it out?" the elderly woman beside Vittoria spoke, her voice still strong as if she were still young. This surprised Miranda a bit, but she quickly shook the thought away and focused more fully into the conversation. This could be her only chance to get the answers she wanted.

"The Brotherhood's assassins made it out as well, two of them wounded, but Biagio..." here the newly dubbed Demetrio faded out, taking a deep breath. It was clear what had happened, and that this missing man had been close to the man speaking now. "... He is dead."

There was a brief moment of silence as all the occupants in the room lowered their head at this news.


The assassin made his way indignantly into Florence after spending a few days to return from the Auditore Villa, the assassin's base. Another assassin rushed out of the Brotherhood as well, after the first, grabbing hold of his shoulder to stop him.

"Calm down, Giovanni." The man, Mario Auditore di Firenze, muttered lowly, pulling the hood of his own assassin uniform down around his neck. "It won't do good to go storming home so angry. Cool off first, then go and explain."

Giovanni gave a sigh, his shoulder sagging. "You're right, brother." After a few minutes of standing in silence, Giovanni made his way to his home, pulling his hood down around his neck as he made his way inside the large home.

It hadn't gone at all as he had planned. He had always known the Master had been rather temperamental, but to go so far as to make him perform even so much as one more field mission when he now had a family to look after. It was a wonder he got any time at all with his wife, let alone his sons and newly born daughter (Ezio, Frederico, and Claudia respectively), as a banker nobleman.

Still, if it was just one more mission, he'd make sure to survive it, to be able to spend his time more fully with his family. It wouldn't be fair to them otherwise.

Quickly he snuck into his own home and into the hidden room, without the notice of his servant and family members. Just as swiftly he changed out of his assassin's uniform and into his normal noblemen clohtes before leaving the so carefully hidden room. Just as the wall slid in his dark-haired wife strolled into the room, catching her husband into a hug.

"How did your business go, dear?"

"As well as I had expected, Maria."

After these words, he pressed his mouth to hers in a tender kiss. It was soon interrupted by a childlike "Ewwww!"

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