[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, Kid [6]

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Demetrio scowled at the rather chubby man in front of him, the hood of this assassin's red robes already pulled up over his face making it difficult to make out the man's features. But Demetrio knew him well. Knew him well enough not to trust a word this man uttered.

The chubby man kept his face deliberately turned away from the taller assassin as if he could feel the loathing Demetrio held for him. Demetrio scoffed and continued his careful yet swift route over the rooftops to meet up with the Brotherhood's assassins to get the mission underway.

In the back of his mind, the thought of keeping an eye out on the chubby man running behind him during the course of the day and night to come. Especially since the man had not given a solid reason as to why he had bullied and begged his way for a spot on this mission at the last minute.


Miranda felt a sigh gush out from her mouth before she could stop it as she observed this replacement of teacher in front of her now. He claimed his name was Aurel, Miranda vaguely noticed that none of the Dragon Clan assassins she had met ever gave a last name, and that he had been picked specifically by Demetrio for whenever he was away to teach her in his stead.

This Aurel had shaggy auburn hair and friendly-looking brown eyes set in a deeply tanned skin and looked to be only about seventeen. He wore noble clothes instead of the usual Dragon Clan's assassin robes; however, Miranda could make out a pair of retractable claws on each of his wrists, hidden underneath the sleeves. So, he was an elite.

Surprisingly she couldn't find any scars from past missions on this man as she had on other assassin's she had already met. This struck her as odd, yet she said nothing about it.

"So, what are we doin' today, then?" Miranda found herself asking.

Aurel merely smiled at this before he began leading her to the marketplaces of the Rich Districts with a hand on her shoulder so she would not get lost in the crowds. When the auburn haired man said nothing for several minutes the bespectacled girl tuned into her surroundings and began eavesdrop (or as she usually said 'controlled overhearing of selective conversations') on the people around them.


Giovanni was not a happy man when he saw the newest addition to the mission. And he showed this clear as day when he threw the hateful glare at the chubby man. "And what, Guido, would you be doing on this mission? I was only aware and had specifically asked for only Demetrio."

The little man flinched at the tone of voice the banker/assassin had used and began rubbing his hands furiously together. A habit Guido had done all his life when anxious. "Giving the thought to how paranoid this target is-" Guido flinched again at the gaze of the two other Brotherhood assassins (Leon and Faust) that were now aimed at him. It had been his fault that the man was now so paranoid, due to a botched mission months ago. "-and your Master and our Elders thought it best if at least one more were to go..."

"Let us just get this investigation done. The sooner that is completed the sooner we can eliminate this Remigio." The dirty-brunette Faust interrupted, halting further heated questioning and glaring.


Aurel had been watching the vehement argument going on for the past several minutes, his arms crossed over his chest and an amused expression on his face. The argument had started over something petty between the two children, Ezio and Miranda, something he couldn't even recall, even if had happened only moments before.

"You're the jerk who ran into me!"

'Oh, so that was how it started...' Aurel mused calmly. "Well, the little lady does have a point there. You did walk straight into her..." The Dragon assassin states calmly, as if this would help the situation at all.

"You're the idiot who was standing in everyone's way!"

"This is true. Miranda really was standing there lost in dreamland..."

"You could at least have the decency to look where you're going, jerk-pig!"

"That does tend to help stop collisions..."

"Well, nothing like this would happen if you had any brains to keep yourself walking!"

"Such a crowded place, it would help to not stop needlessly..."

This was going to be a long day, Aurel figured, silently enjoying himself.


Night had quickly descended as the group of assassins had quickly and efficiently (except in the case of Guido, who merely blundered along, only increasing the irritation and the idea that he had somehow bribed his way in) before having gathered to share the information.

Remigio had become less paranoid over the last few weeks, and his guards had lessoned from a whole platoon being with him everywhere he went to just two at the main doorway of his estate, the mansion, the stairwells inside, and the man's study as Leon had found out.

Faust (followed by the ever unhelpful Guido) had managed to steal away the blueprints of this Templar's home from a builder who had gone to map out the house as he had been hired to rebuild and touch up spots of it.

Demetrio, meanwhile, and hung around Remigio's house all day to watch the guards and to time their shifts (about two hours) and how long each post was left unattended for how long (approximately three to five minutes) as the guards rotated or were switched out.

Giovanni had, in his time, had stalked after Remigio all day studying his habits and when he was going to be when and where (the man was very practical and never broke away from his schedule unless there was a life-changing reason for it).

With this information, the group of assassins would begin their real mission tomorrow.

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