Ten ~ Ominious

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I want to know what this feeling is!

I turn away to look across the hall, to avoid looking into his face. He made me feel a feeling I don't understand.

I go to get up and walk away to relieve this feeling that I have, but Taehyung stops me in my tracks.

"Don't go. I want to talk to you... about some important matters." He says, his tone of voice getting slightly more raspier and darker.

Eun kyung arises from her seat and stands beside me, crossing her arms softly.

"I can see what you are doing and I don't like it. Jungkook doesn't understand what feelings are and I'm trying to help him overcome these strange feelings that he yet doesn't understand fully yet. Please be kind and don't make him feel uncomfortable. I heard what you said under your breath you know." Uen kyung says, grabbing my arm pulling me further through the hall.

Uen Kyung P.O.V

I could see him now.

Looking at me as I take Jungkook with me to another part of the hall, comforting him.

He was feeling stress and anxiety and he didn't know what that meant.

I could feel his eyes piercing once again.

I know you can't "feel" eyes staring at you physically, but something about him was sinister and mysterious

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I know you can't "feel" eyes staring at you physically, but something about him was sinister and mysterious.

Once... he seems charming and polite, then he can just throw that act out in an instant.

Like he just did.

I understand that Jungkook hurt him, hurt him and made him that way but I don't know the full story yet.

I had to be with Jungkook and give him the support he needs.

I suddenly feel a hand place on my shoulder, as I turn around, taehyung was standing there looking strangely once again.

"I don't want to hear it" I say before he could open his mouth to speak.

"I need to know-"

"No." I reply once again, cutting him off.

"If you keep cutting me off-"

"Go AWAY."

I could already feel my whole body get all hot and shaky again. Once this happens, nobody should try anything on me.

Just A Fool || JUNGKOOKOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant