Four ~ The ward

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March 17th ~ We finally got moved... I finally got to see him.

Eun kyung P.O.V

After another day passes, the days do start to get a little brighter.

Talking to jungkook made me feel so warm and happy inside.

He just told me that he lost most of his memory so he forgets what certain facial expressions mean and how they work.

So I taught him which ones mean what and honestly... it was really adorable watching him learn and fail at the same time.

I think he got the gist of it eventually and he got really flirty with me today. I never expected it and it got me really flustered because... he was very attractive.

We spoke and spoke for hours on end and I actually looked forward to getting up in the
Mornings and speak to him about the most charming conversations.

Yoongi was still going out of his mind and I didn't really want to bother him too much because he looks really scary when he's angry.

Yoongi was still going out of his mind and I didn't really want to bother him too much because he looks really scary when he's angry

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He was still staring at the wall, mumbling words that don't even make any sense.

The door creaks open slowly to reveal a different warden, a male warden.

He was tall and frail, had a baggy uniform and stunk of cigarettes.

He even had moles all over his face.

I sigh and get up staring at him intently.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to smash yoongi's face in yet. Thought you had bipolar girl!" He shouts viciously as he grabs me by the arm, pushing me out into the hallway.

The hallway was completely deserted and Jungkooks door was locked.

"Now. You and jungkook are going to the ward and are going to stay there for a period of time." He says, unlocking Jungkooks door as fast as he could.

As he opens it, jungkook was already standing there, holding his arm out as he stared at me intently.

He scanned me all the way down and smirked to himself again.

He scanned me all the way down and smirked to himself again

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His lips looked so soft and red.

That glass wall must of really blocked out a lot of his features somehow.

His dark eyes stood out more and his jawline looked more sharp and lips were more plump and pink.

He honestly looked like a different person upclose.

"You two are paired. Paired at all times. If you separate you go back into your cell for another week" he explains pushing out into the the "ward".

As he closes the door behind us, everyone in the room turned around stared at us and gave us dirty looks.

Jungkook all of a sudden held my hand softly.

"What does this mean again?" He asks nervously as we walk to an empty table.

"It's a ... um... a sign of affection" I reply, holding his hand tighter as we both sit down at the table together, not making any sort of eye contact with anyone in the room.

"Your hands are very warm..." he whispers quietly as everyone eventually got on with what they were doing.

He was learning again.

Learning what these gestures and facial expressions mean.

"Are they? I'm not sure why" i reply softly as I glance around the room a little bit more.

Jungkook P.O.V

As I watch her hands interlock with mine, I get the feeling again, but this time it is in my stomach.

It's a weird and uncomfortable feeling at first but it gets more pleasurable as it goes on.

It must be a sign of something.

A love sign?

I'm not sure but I still stare at our hands.

I don't want to let her go.

Her hands gave me a sense of security.

No one else gave me this feeling.

No one else gave me this feeling

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