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It was getting time for lunch as me and Chloe was getting our lunch, we started to walk towards our seat. Before we could sit down, two popular girls shoved us out of the way taking our spots as one said "Move over sluts, this is our table now." I gave Chloe a hand and sighed seeing her lunch all over the ground. "What the hell is your pro-" I was cut off as samantha pulled me away "Just let it go." She said walking towards another table. The girl laughed "Yeah let it go, and walk off with your girlfriend!" The girls teased as two very loud shots were heard and the two girls bodies fell to the ground as a puddle of blood surrounded them. In just a matter of seconds everyone was running and screaming towards the exit. As I looked at Chloe then back at the people who shot them. "Wh-what the hell is with the gas mask?" Before we could make it to the back exit, the shooters threw down gas bombs that released green gas everywhere. Everyone at the door was trying to break out, but the exit was blocked off and the door was locked. I looked at Chloe as she handed me a gas mask, and I wasted no time to put it on. "Could she be with the shooters? Does she know who they are?" My mind only raced more with questions as I sighed following the shooters. We left and went up an elevator, and the shooters split up. One roamed the first floor and the other went into the elevator. Chloe handed me a gun, as I slowly took it she looked me in the eyes "Today we get revenge." I thought to myself for a second "Do I even have a choice at this point? Even if I declined they would probably just kill me." I wondered around until I went upstairs to the second floor, I watched in horror as a kid distracted his best friend. It was horrible watching the guys body fall and it only got worse once the kid laughed at his friend's lifeless body. I watched as the kid stood up and he realized he made a fool of himself, the shooter laughed pointing his gun directly at the kids head and for once actually spoke "Should have ran while you had the chance kid." Bang the kids face blew off as his body hit the ground. "What the hell had I gotten myself into?" I slowly walked past the bodies on the ground and went back downstairs. I saw Chloe and watched her throw a grenade, as she ran and grabbed me pulling me behind a wall as the grenade exploded. She slowly went into the room that she had just blown a hole into, and she walked around the room yelling. I walked over to the room and stood where the door use to be, as I kept watch for any unwanted visitors. I looked back at the open windows then towards Chloe, "So they got away?" I asked looking straight at her. "Yeah they escaped through the window, before I blew the door open." She said pointing down at the trapdoor with an evil smirk across her face, obviously aware of where they truly were. I suddenly smirked with evil as well, as I followed up and backed up her lie "Damn maybe we will get them next time." I suddenly shook my head thinking to myself "Why the hell am i enjoying this?  Why do I have an evil smirk across my face aswell?" I sighed looking to the side out the window, as Chloe walked over putting her hand on my shoulder. "What's the matter?" She said looking at me. I looked back at her and sighed once more "It will have to wait." She nodded looking out the window aswell.

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