I frowned the slightest and leaned against a wall, shaking my head. His lips formed a smile for a split second before he began speaking, "I, well, I kind of... I went to your house almost- well, not almost, but like, every day for the past week, and your parents- your mum, actually, she always told me you weren't home. And she only gave me your address yesterday."

I blinked a couple times at that information; it wasn't exactly something I was expecting to hear. "Uh, okay." Was all I said. It made sense; Bri and I had been moving in furniture for the past two or so weeks, so everything would be on spot before we actually moved in.

But let's focus on more important things, such as why the fuck was he looking for me? "You want a drink, or something? We bought lots of soda to kind of... celebrate moving in, but we couldn't get past the first bottle," I rambled as I walked into the kitchen, a pack of bottles of Pepsi on the counter. I told her not to buy Pepsi, ugh.

"Yeah, soda sounds alright," I heard Liam say and, was it just me, or, did he sound nervous too?

I proceeded to once again ignore my thoughts as I pulled one of the very few glasses we had in the cabinet, pouring him a glass of Pepsi. "Here you go," I said quietly and placed the glass in front of him, sitting on the other end of the table to his right. "Hope you like Pepsi, that's all we have."

Liam shrugged as he brought the glass to his lips, and I looked away from him. The thought that he was actually there was still bizarre to me – I literally couldn't wrap my mind around it. Not when just a minute before he rung the bell, I was telling Briana how I was okay with us not being a thing anymore. And seeing him, just seeing his face was all it took to change my mind.

"Were you going to have an early party of some sort, or?" He asked, and I slowly turned my head to frown at him. The fuck? "I mean, you were talking about unplugging speakers when I came, so..."

Oh. "No, we were actually going to clean the place up a bit, so... I figured we'd be more efficient with music playing." I smiled and looked down at my lap when he nodded, and took his beanie off to run a hand through his hair. God dammit, if not absolutely everything he did was hot, I'd be coping with this a lot easier.

"Were you going to make a playlist for it?" He asked and I looked up again to nod, and saw a smile appear on his face when I did. As if he was expecting that.

"Yeah, if you'd decided to show up a little later, you would've heard Miss Jackson in the hallway," I told him, and mentally high-fived myself for not messing up any of the words along the way. Liam raised his eyebrows, the smile on his face widening.

"Panic at the Disco?"


"You like them?"

"They're surprisingly good, actually."

He looked down at his glass, not losing the smile for a second. "Never really listened to them, to be honest."

"Me neither, 'til a few days ago."

"Adam keeps telling me I should give them a try, but-"

"That's what Briana did with me," I interrupted him, a rather humorous smile on my face now. The fact that I was sitting there and making small talk with him was a little funny, anyway. "How's Karlie? She still sick?"

"No, mum's been giving her some medicine," He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Oh. Well, you know, if she needs me to babysit her again that'd be fine, I'm sure I won't-"

"Sally." I looked away from the window and at Liam, to see his face holding a dead serious expression. "I didn't come here to talk about Karlie."

I gulped at that; of course I knew why he was there, I just wanted to drag it out for as long as I could. "Um, okay," I said, sitting up in my chair and refusing to face him, again. "What-what did you come to talk about?"

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