Chapter 6

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A few days later Mariana and I got to school early and went to drop off our football stuff in my office. When we got there the name plate was gone and my key didn't work. "What the hell?" I said. "Stay here I'm going to find Matt," I told Mariana.
I went to Matt's office and found him sitting there with his heads in his hands. "Coach why don't my keys work and why is my name plate gone from my office?" I asked him. "The parents are upset that a student is responsible for their children's safety. They don't think it's safe. They haven't seen you in action like I have. They told me to find a new athletic trainer or they would pull their sons off the team. I'm sorry Alex. I'm gonna fight for you. This isn't right, those boys need you out there. I want you to be at practice and games still. You're still a part of this team just as much as the players and me. Mariana too. They respect the two of you. I can't replace that. You two are going to have to earn respect from their parents. I have faith in you," he told me. "Coach. That's fucked up. I'd be willing to bet all the money in my wallet right now that I know these boys Better than their parents do. I know what they need, I know what they like, what they don't like, what makes them comfortable, etc. I'm the one for this job and you know it," I told him angrily. "You can keep your stuff in my office until I get this straightened out. Here's a spare key. Keep this on the low, I don't need another 5000 emails tonight. Don't worry, like I said, I'm in your corner," he told me. "Alright, thanks coach," I told him. I put my stuff in the corner and went to get Mariana. She put her stuff in his office and we went to class.
We got to first period and I tried my best to not be pissed off the rest of the day. "Yo, Alex what's wrong man? What's up?" Marcus asked me in the hallway on the way to lunch. "I'm not the athletic trainer anymore. Apparently some parents aren't comfortable having a student be responsible for their kids. That's bullshit man, you know it, I know it, and coach knows it," I told him. "Oh shit. Alex, I'm so sorry man. This is my fault. I told my mom about what happened at practice the other day. She asked why nobody called her, and I said, "Because Alex was taking care of me, I was fine." She asked me who you were and I told her you're a student that's EMT certified and is a really good guy. She got super pissed and starting going on and on about how irresponsible of coach it is to have another student being responsible for other kids. I told her you're the best person for the job but she wouldn't calm down. I didn't think this would happen. I'm so sorry," he told me. "Don't beat yourself up man. Coach is on my side with this. If you can keep trying to talk sense into her that might help fix things. I'm still gonna be at every practice and every game. Coach said he's not playing football without me and Mariana on the sideline. Our official title is now co managers of the team. It's bullshit but it's  what we gotta do. We'll do everything we can to fix this," I told him. "I'm sorry man. I really am. I had no idea she would do this," he said. "Seriously, it's not your fault. Don't worry about it. I'm still gonna be out there doing the same thing, we just can't tell people that," I told him. "Alright man, I'll see you after school," he said before walking away.
"So Marcus' mom is the reason I can't be the athletic trainer anymore. He told her about what happened at practice and she got all pissed off because I'm a student. That's all she knows about me. She doesn't know that I've been out there with those guys since day 1. She doesn't know that I've stayed late after practice to help several of those boys with their school work so they can keep playing. She doesn't know that those boys need me. She doesn't know me," I said to Mariana when we got dismissed at the end of the day. "Really?" She asked me. "Yeah, he told me before lunch," I said to her. "I'm sorry sweetie," she said putting her hand in mine. "It's not your fault. Let's go, we've got practice in 15," I told her.
We went to Matt's office for our stuff and then went to the locker rooms to change since my office key didn't work. Then we went to practice. Practice was normal, the guys worked really hard that day. They were all pretty amped up and nervous about the upcoming game at the end of the week. At the end of practice everyday, all the players take a knee in a circle in the middle of the field and Matt stands in the middle to talk to them. He tells them about what all he's seen that needs to be worked on, what's been done well, what hasn't, etc. "You guys worked your asses off today. Let's do that the next three days and our game on Friday is gonna be a breeze. It's like I always tell you guys, hard work is everything, let's bring it in," he said. "Hold on a second! Coach can I say something real quick?" Marcus stood up and asked him. This was unusual. I had never seen anyone do this before. "You have the floor sir," Matt told him stepping aside. Marcus stepped into the center of the circle. "Alright guys, I know everybody is tired so I'll keep this short and sweet. Alex and Mariana can you guys come up here real quick?" He said loudly for everyone to hear. I stood up, took Mariana's hand, helped her up, and we walked to the center of the circle. "Thank you. Guys these two have been out here with us every single day. They may not be on the field playing the game, but they are a huge part of this team, of this family. We don't leave family behind. This guy right here is a rockstar. I mean, he's new here. He came from across the country and stepped up when no one else would to help us out. And he's done a fine job of it too. He's the one person that we all know we can go to, for anything. He's always there, ready and willing to help. Mariana, she's a rockstar too. I mean hell, I can't even get you guys to shut up like she can and I'm the team captain. We need these two out here with us. Guys, they need us right now. Everybody touch somebody,"he said. "Our father," I started. "In heaven. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. Amen," We all said as a team. I looked up and saw a lot of parents standing around the field. They started clapping. "Wolf! Catch!" Coach yelled, tossing me my keys back. "Marcus, what did you do?" I asked him. "I may or may not have told my mom I'd dropout of school if she didn't apologize for everything negative she said about you. I told her she shouldn't get to make that decision. She's never met you, she doesn't know anything about you. We know you, and we all want you here. That's what matters," he told me. "Thank you brother," I told him. "You're welcome," he said.
Mariana just about tackled him from jumping on him to hug him. "Thank you Marcus," she said. "You're more than welcome," he told her.
"Excuse me young man, would mind if I had a word with you for a moment?" A woman behind me asked me. "That's my mom," Marcus said quietly so only I could hear. "Of course, lets go somewhere quiet," I told her. We walked over to the parking lot away from the field.
"I'm Marcus Andrews' mother. I would like to apologize to you in person. I feel like from what I saw just now that my son is right. You are the best person for the job. I was a scared mother the other night. You have to understand it's not normal for students to be the athletic trainer for their school's football team. However, I'm convinced you're no ordinary student, thank you for taking care of my son, and that team. They need someone like you. This might be a little bit TMI but my son hasn't had a decent conversation with me in about 3 years until the other night about you. Then when he came to me again this afternoon, and he was willing to sit down with me and actually have a civilized conversation about it. I knew I was in the wrong. Thank you," she said. "You're very welcome. Marcus is a great kid. He's helped me out a lot since I've been here. Thank you for taking the time to listen to him. I know a lot of people's parents wouldn't have done what you're doing right now. Thank you. So much. I need this team. They need me. Thank you," I told her. She reached her arms out and hugged me. "Keep them safe," she said. "I will. I promise," I told her.

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