[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, Kid [5]

Start from the beginning

Over the puffy sleeves of the black shirt on both arms was a strange mechanism. It was metal on the top and buckled around the arms on the bottom. The metal had a tribal dragon etched into it and painted a black color to make it stand out. On top of the metal casing, by the elbow and over the back of the end was a piece of tough leather.

When asked about it, Demetrio flicked his right wrist hard, ejecting four blades that reminded Miranda of Wolverine from X-Men.

"Instead of hidden blades, like the Brotherhood Assassins' use, we've made use of these retractable claws." Demetrio had explained. "Only the best of our Clan's Assassins are allowed to hold two of these, however."

After that the real training had begun. Though he didn't hit her with a wooden fan, like Vittoria, he had his own way of making Miranda work hard. It usually consisted of whatever punishment came to mind that day. He was never consistant with what the punishment would be if she failed to do as she was asked to, but Demetrio always made sure it was something Miranda would not wish to go through again.


Several weeks had passed before Vittoria had ordered Miranda to wear one of the actual dresses the woman had gotten her. Miranda chose the only one that she liked. It was black and strapless, but fit tight around the upper body so as not to fall loose on the child. The top and bottom of the dress was lined in gold. The front of her hips and just above her bottom was a large bow that matched the Dragon Clan's Assassin's uniform colors, with two large strips of the same colored cloth drapped over the sides of the dress connecting the two bows. Of course, she kept the black headband around her forehead to conceal the mark as well.

When asked why she was forced to wear the dress (though she had won the small argument over whether or not she could wear the more comfortable leather boots over the pinchy shoes), Vittoria had answered: "You stay cooped up all day, even after your training, so you're going with Demetrio here." At this she paused and clapped a hand over the taller man's shoulder, who was dressed in more noble clothes (though they still retained the normal black/gray, dark reds, and gold of their Assassin's uniform). "He's going to meet with an ally of ours to discuss something important coming up in the next few days and you'll be going along with."

The house they had gone to was of a noble bankerman's, Giovanni Auditore di Firenze's. Miranda realized this was also the house of the main character of the would have been new Assassin's Creed game, and she vaguely wondered what the boy would be like.

Demetrio led the way to the door, before both of them were escorted to a large living room area by one of the maids. Demetrio had come on Assassin business. It was Giovanni's last field mission; and he would be the only Dragon Clan Assassin going to assist.

This was nothing new, it was usual for at least one of the the Dragon Clan's Assassin's to go on missions with the Brotherhood's Assassin's and vice versa so each one would know of how the other's allies were getting along. What was important was that Giovanni come out alive, so that he could continue to support and love his wife, sons, and daughter (and any future children they may have, god willing).

That was why Demetrio had come, to discuss the finer points of the mission, so that both could go over any potential dangers and come up with any possible ways around them.

He didn't have to wait long. "Demetrio, it's been awhile." Giovanni greeted warmly as he walked into the room, shaking hands with his fellow Assassin.

"Yes, too long, in fact." Demetrio smiled, clasping the man's shoulder and giving him a friendly shake before they both let go.

"And who might this young lady be?" the Auditore man inquired, raising a brow at the young girl standing beside Demetrio, her arms crossed over her chest and her feet shuffling across the floor as her eyes memorized the room around her (one of Demetrio's teachings, to memorize any new area for possible dangers and escape routes, etc.).

"This would be my, ah, assistant." Demetrio stressed seriously. Giovanni got the message and nodded his understanding to the shaggy-haired assassin.

"I see. Perhaps she would like to explore my home while we talk?" Giovanni asked, though Miranda was positive it wasn't really a question. She nodded anyways, to be polite.

"I'd like that, mister." she stated, watching the two men leave down the hallway. She waited several minutes before following after, stumbling a little over the dress' skirts in her hurry.

Along the way, looking for the doorway the two had undoubtedly disappeared behind to talk privately, the brunette managed to trip over the end of her dress and falling straight down, banging her chin on the hard ground and landing with a hard 'thud.' Laughter only heated her face up in embarrasment (it meant someone had witnessed the moment) and she hurriedly pushed herself up and brushed her dress off before glaring at the source of the laughter.

It was a boy, about eight, two years older than her 'current' age. He had short dark hair and dark brown eyes with tanned skin. He wore long sleeved white shirt outlined in gold with a type of bright red design on the shoulders. A red sash wrapped around the waist, dark trousers covered his legs and were tucked messily into brown leather boots common of this time period.

"What kind of a girl trips over her own skirt?!" he managed between the raucaus laughs.

Miranda huffed angrily, still flushed with embarrasment. "At least I'm not a jerk! What's you're name?"

"Hey! Don't be so rude! This is my home!"

"You still didn't answer! What's your damn name!?"

"It's Ezio! Now who're you?!" he shot back in frustration.

"I'm Miranda!"

"Well, Miranda, you should be nicer when you're in someone else's home!"

"I would be if I weren't talking to a jerk-pig!"

It should be noted that while this verbal spar was going on both were becoming redder and redder in the face from frustration and anger. Ezio, having the egotistical thoughts of childhood, didn't even try to control his temper, though Miranda was at fault as well, as she had never been one for even attempting to calm herself down when angered.

"Who are you calling a 'jerk-pig', wench!" the boy cried out the word he had heard on the streets, not knowing exactly what it meant but knowing it was some sort of an insult.

Miranda however, having once been eighteen in a different time, knew full-well the meaning of 'wench' and only grew angrier. "I'm calling a bratty bastard of a nobleman's son a 'jerk-pig', jerk-pig!" Miranda shot out, sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry rudely.

Ezio's shoulder's and fists began to shake in anger as the argument drew longer and Miranda's voice swiftly grew louder and louder until not only had several maids and servants of the Auditore house arrived to check out the noises, but so had Demetrio and Giovanni.

While Giovanni dealt with the child that would be an assassin in the future, Demetrio immediately cuffed Miranda on her ear causing her to grunt and cover the offended appendage. "What exactly do you think you were doing?" the man hissed, loud enough for Miranda to hear the anger in his voice but quiet enough that the others in the hallway couldnot hear him.

"I was putting a jerk-pig in his place!" Miranda whispered back, noticing how shameful the situation really was now that her anger was ebbing away, albeit slowly.

"Have you learned nothing of my teachings? No matter what the boy did, you should have ignored it!" Demetrio grunted, still leveling a very intimidating glare at the girl.

"... He started it..." was the only reponse she could think of to defend herself. As childish as it sounded, she figured she was entitled to it, seeing her current age.

Behind her, Ezio was getting a similar lecture from his father and Miranda couldn't help but think that the boy was a brat and that she hoped he would grow out of it by the time he was older.

[AC2] You're Gonna Go Far, KidWhere stories live. Discover now