Who are the other miraculous holders? Will they accept our request to help us defeat Hawkmoth? What are their powers? What was Hawkmoth up to? Will we stand a chance against him?

The curiosity is killing me...

I decided to go to Chat's cabin so I could think about my questions alone and in peace.

When I got down there it was dark. The curtains to the window were closed, and the lamp had no flame.

I opened the curtains and lit the lamp. There was a lot of books in here, and I was looking for answers. Hopefully I could find something...

After what seemed like hours of searching, I finally came across a really old looking book with dust on it. I blew the dust away and saw that it had the same marking as the box that my miraculous was in.

I eagerly opened it and flew through its pages until a picture caught my eye.

A picture of the fox miraculous user.

Unfortunately, all the words were in code. Darn it...

Then I turned the page to see the bee miraculous user.

Then the turtle. That's Nino.

Then the moth. Obviously it was Hawkmoth.

Then the peacock.

Then the black cat. Of course that was Chat Noir.

Then the ladybug. And that was obviously me.

Well, that book just told what the other heros's "theme" is.

Nothing super useful.

Time for more searching.

After what seemed like forever, I'd went through all the books on the shelf. Nothing!

I groaned in frustration.

But then out of the corner of my eye I saw something.

It was a loose floorboard. (The board  looked fake). I could see something hidden in the corner.

I took it off to reveal a black book with a purple moth symbol on its cover.

It had to be about Hawkmoth.

I looked through the book.

Pictures of what he looks like, descriptions, diagrams....

I stopped dead in my tracks.

It was a picture of a weird looking, glowing moth symbol. It was the same symbol as the one on the cover.

Luckliy, this wasn't in code.

"Hawkmoth's power is to give someone a superpower so they can help other people. But he used it for the opposite.

He akumatizes people. Or in other words, he gives them an evil superpower to help Hawkmoth get what he wants. However, he can only akumatize the victim when they are feeling extreme negative emotion. He sends out evil butterflies that go into an object of the victim's possession.

He can only be stopped by Ladybug, who destroys the object the akuma  lies in, and purifies it. Then she can set everything back to normal.

He has had many victims so far, and they are his devoted helpers. (They are permanently under his control).

The Evillustrator, Rogercop, Simon Says, Copycat, Refleckta, Animan, Volpina, Stoneheart, Mr. Pigeon, Timebreaker, Dark Cupid, The Mime, Antibug, Vanisher, Puppeteer, Stormy Weather, The Pharoh, Horrificator, Darkblade, Kung Food, Pixelator, The Gamer, Guitar Villian, and Princess Fragrance."

"Wow, Hawkmoth has some really crappy names for his villians..."

I shut the book, put it back, and hid it again.

It wasn't as helpful as I hoped it'd be, but at least I know what I'm up against.

I really wish I had some better answers...

I looked out the window to see it was almost nighttime. The sunset had a gorgeous crimson glow, along with a few blotches orange, pink, and indigo here and there.

I suddenly realized how exhausted I was from spending all evening searching and reading, so I laid down in bed.

I instantly fell asleep.

Later in Chat's POV...

When I arrived down in my cabin I saw books scattered everywhere. Mari was in bed, already sleeping.

She looked so cute and peaceful...

I quickly figured why books were everywhere. She was looking for answers all evening, and became extremely tired because if it.

I smiled to myself and sat down in a nearby chair so she could have the bed, and I wouldn't disturb her. I then fell asleep as well.

Not long after, I was woken up by someone screaming bloody murder...

It was Mari!

She looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Marinette! What's wrong?!"

She fearfully mumbled, "I just had a vision..."

"What was it about?"

"Hawkmoth. I know his plan. He's gonna attack us with all his villians at once."

Oh no...

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