Chapter 1

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Liam's POV

"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted as I entered my house from a busy day at work. Now I just want to cuddle with Zayn, my husband, and our 1 year old son, Niall.

"In the kitchen, baby!" Zayn yelled back. A smile made its way to my face. He always works so hard at home. I mean, I work, too, but I always believe being a house husband is harder.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a smiling Zayn covered in flour.

"Hey, hon, how was your day?" he said and walked towards me. Iwrapped  my arms around his waist.

"It was good, what about you? Where's Niall?" I asked.

"Well, he is having a nap," he answered and that's when I saw a black patch on his hand just below his thumb.

I took his hand and looked at it closely. "Oh my God, Zayn, what's this?" I said with panic hinted in my voice. 

He snatched his hand away and said, "Uh, what? This? I just burnt my hand."

"Zayn, I have told you to be careful!"

"Liam, it's not a big deal! Things happen in the kitchen," Zayn answered.

"I'm sorry.. it's just, I love your hands, babe," I said cheekily.

"Oh, shut up, stop being so cheeky and let's have dinner. But first take a shower because you stink."

I pouted and he gently pecked my pout and made it go away.

"But you love it when I stink."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that," he smirked and got out of my hold. I  sighed and made my way towards our room.

I took a quick shower and went into Niall's room. He was sound asleep in his crib and he looked very cute. I walked in and stood beside his crib. I love him so much. He's my sunshine and the most important person in my life. Well, of course, apart from Zayn. I quickly kissed him on the cheek and made my way downstairs where Zayn had set the dinner.

"What took so long?" he questioned.

"Oh, I just went to see Niall," I answered with a smirk.

He pouted and said, "Having father-son bonding without me I see." He put on a fake hurt expression that made me chuckle.

"Babe, you're with him 24/7 when I'm not in the house. Who knows what you say about me to him."

"Very funny, Payne. Now start

And with that we sat at the table and ate dinner.







I woke up in the middle of the night to someone crying. I jerked up from bed to realize it was Niall. Zayn wasn't in bed, that means he must have woken up hours ago. I got up and went to Niall's  room. eating."

The door was open and I saw Zayn rocking Niall in his arms saying, "Baby, please go to sleep or else Daddy's gonna wake up," repeatedly. I smiled. Even in the middle of the night I was Zayn's first priority. 

I went inside and took Niall from Zayn. He was a little startled at first, but then he got annoyed.

"Liam, you're not supposed to be up at this time of the night."

"And what, you are?" I questioned.

"No, I mean, you need sleep, you have work tomorrow," he answered.

"No, I will take care of Niall tonight you will sleep."

"What?! No, babe, I do this every night," Zayn protested.

"Exactly, and now it's my turn."

"But, Liam-" 

"No buts, Mister, we don't want Niall to think I'm a bad dad."

"Okay! You win, but don't come to me when you have a headache tomorrow."

"I won't, okay? Now go. Oh, and I love you." I pecked him lightly on the lips and gave him a push out of the room.

"Are you sure about this?" he said and I could feel the worry in his voice.

"Yes, babe, I am. Now goooooo."

"Okay, I love you."

I chuckled and went to look after Niall.

After what felt like hours, Niall eventually went back to sleep. I went to my room and literally threw myself on the bed and believe it or not that's the exact moment my alarm went off.


This chap has now been edited by @meltingthecapsicle

Thank u soo much

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