I waited for her and tried to distract myself as much as possible. Scolding myself when I started thinking about Harry and his sinful lips again. This is not the right time for that.

A knock on the frontdoor made me jump up and I quickly walked to it. Turning the knob around, I am met by Lauren her eyes with dark bags underneath them.

She was tired, exhausted and stressed I sense. We both were a mess, in need of joy and happiness. No stress.

I forced a smile out and opened the door wide enough for her to enter.
"Are you alright?" I asked her. She walked past me, entering the house and I followed her after closing the door.

She nodded and let herself fall on the couch. Deep sighs escaping her lips while she eyes the room. "Absolutely nothing. We heard nothing...it is like," she momentarily closed her eyes, "like he has dissapeared into thin air."

Like I want to do right now, I mentally added. I sat down next to her and took her hand in mine. Offering some support and love to my best friend.

"Did you reach his parents?"

She shook her head, "they live too far away, somewhere in Texas I believe,"
she explains on which I nod.

"Oh yeah, you're right there. He once told me about them." I mentioned while staring at nothing.

"Yeah, and I don't have their number or anything on how to reach them "

"Maybe he is with them?"
I thought out loud, my hands combing through my dark brown hair.

"I hope so," she shrugs and fiddles with her hands, "at least he is safe there. But why would he leave all so sudden without saying anything?"

Pouting my lips, I shrugged too. It all seemed like a hopeless case, but deep down I knew Elijah would never leave like that. He couldn't.


"Would you mind making
black coffee for our new costumer?"
My boss asked, while I was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Yeah sure." I wiped my hands off on a towel and left it all as it was.

I walked to the front and my eyes grew wide when seeing who was there waiting for me. The green of his eyes invading my senses.

A smug smirk on his face and the curls of his hair hanging loosely on his broad shoulders, clothed in a black shirt. His hands, decorated with all his powerful rings laying on the counter.

Making my way towards all the machines, I grabbed a cup out of a cabinet and started preparing his black coffee.

"It's rather rude to ignore a customer, we do not want you to be fired, now do we?" he said, mocking me with his Britisch accent.

Realising we were both British, I shrugged it off and continued ignoring him, as much a possible. Finishing his coffee, I closed my eyes for a second, breathed in and turned around to the man waiting for his coffee -- waiting for me.

His eyes scanned every piece of skin visible and searched off all my body. I felt vulnerable and tried to hide it. Avoiding eye contact and especially avoiding the sight of his lustful lips.

"I want my coffee black,
darling." He rasped.

I don't respond and finish the last touch. I flinch when I touch the heated cup - to distracted to be careful - and bite my lip out of pain.

"Be careful there, angel, we don't want your lovely skin to get burned. Although I would love to kiss it better, I hear him say behind me. An undertone reaching my ears.

Breathing in and out quite loudly, I curse under my breath and try to do it all as quick as possible. I hand him his coffee and feel his eyes watching me, following every move I make like a lion watching its prey.

"That would be 3 dollars," I speak up,
still looking down. I lick my dry lips and try to keep them wet.

He puts some money in my hands,
still looking at me and takes his coffee. His big hand closing around the cup. I look down at his money and see it is more than asked.

"That's too-," I try to say, but fail,
because he interrupts me. The rasp, raspier than ever, making me weak in the knees. Trying to keep it all together, I hear him again.

"Keep it," he says before warning me, "oh, and darling, keep looking around, I'll be with you again when you don't expect it. It will be soon, very soon. Maybe even this evening."

He turns around and leaves the shop,
dissapearing in the dark of the night. My shaky hands brush some hair away from my forehead.

I walk back to where I had been when Harry was not there to break through my wall and continue what I was doing. Feeling the water against my heated skin.

"When you're done with that,
June, you're free to go." My boss yells from another room.


It is nearly half an hour later when I finish the last plate and I put the thing away. A puff of air escaping me when I leave the place.

I close the door of the
shop and leave the building behind me. The streetlights are illuminating everything surrounding me. The moon high in the sky and looking down at us.

Pulling my jacket on, I hum a song and make my way home. Ready to relax and bury myself in my bed, with a book in my hands and letters to satisfy my need to read.

Taking big steps, clumsy me almost trips over a lose stone but manage to continue. A light breeze entertains the night, stars make a show.

I pull my hair out of my ponytail and let it roam free over my back. Turning around the corner, I notice someone making their way towards me.

Immediately thinking it is the man I keep thinking about, I conclude it is not him, when I notice this man is much smallee compared to Harry and the great length he carries himself with.

The unknown man walks past me and offers a smile. I return the tiny favour and continue humming a song.

The ringtone of my phone interrupts the silent night and I curse because of the loud noise it makes. Quickly pulling the thing out of my backpocket, I see it it my mother calling. A wave of dissapointment rushes through me.

"Hey June, just calling to check on you, are you done with work?"

"Yes, on my way home now.
I'll be there in about ten minutes." I answer her soft voice.

Oh how different would it all be, if I knew, I would never see my mother that night. If I knew it would all be unexpected and a mystery coming ahead of me.


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