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They were hard to make, you could choose the wrong one and mess everything up entirely, but my decision was an easy one to make.

I felt like I shouldn't go to the cafe everyday, mainly because it felt like the center of my life, and I didn't want stalking a guy to be the center of my life.

So on Monday morning, instead of heading to the cafe like usual, I took my dog Iris to the park for a walk.

I slung my camera bag over my shoulder, planning on taking some pictures of nature for a change. 

Change was good.

I clipped Iris' leash to her collar and led her outside. We walked down the sidewalk towards the park. Iris decided that she wanted to sniff every single blade of grass on the block, so it took us way longer then it should've to get there, but it was worth it in the end.

It was sunny and slightly warm. The snow on the trees were melting from the warm beams of sun shining down on them. Birds were chirping, squirrels were scampering across tree branches and park benches.

I let Iris off her leash to let her run around a little. She went straight to the empty flower patch to continue her sniffing expedition.

"Hey, Camilla," someone said from behind me. I whirled around at the mention of my name.

Payton Larson stood there, holding a leash that was attached to his little dachshund. 

I smiled at him. "Hey, Payton." 

"I haven't seen you recently," he observed. I nodded in reply. Payton went to my school. He was kind of nerdy, so he hung out with the Math Club most of the time. I only really saw him in my English and math class.

"I know. Ever since break started, I guess."

"Where have you been? Over break, I mean."

I hesitated. "Well...I've been around."

"Ah." Was all he said. He pushed a brown curl out of his eye. I stood there.

"I should go, uh, find my dog," I said, pointing to the other side of the park where my dog was currently barking at a squirrel.

"Okay. Um, see you around?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Bye." 

"Bye." I turned around and started towards Iris. But before I could reach her, she chased the squirrel out of the park.

I raced after her. "Iris! No!" I called frantically.

And that was how I spent the rest of my morning, chasing my dog down the sidewalk.

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