Chapter 14: Mistakes and Solution

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The first chapter before September ends.

Safe read, minna!


     Ryuna and Gokudera took a peek on the bomb. They stared at the bomb with poker face when words popped up as Gokudera tried to remove the cel.


" Like I know what the password is! " The silver haired mumbled and began to rant more about killing the person who set this up.

     Ryuna looked at the screen and began to scan it using her Flame Watch. Gokudera was still trying to figure out the password in the background.

Her A.I finished analizing the information gathered. Ryuna typed the password in.

   Gokudera was thinking a lot of words available when she exclaimed, " The cell is opening, old man. "

The silver haired turned around, surprised that she could get the password. He ignored his disappointment as he rushed to deactivate the bomb.

    There's a mere silence when they saw the inside. " There are only red wires. "

" How can we deactivate this piece of crap?! "

" Let's try to cut one. " The Storm girl said as she took her dagger. Gokudera tried to stop her. " Wait a minute! Don't just cut it randomly! "

     He was too late as she cut one of them. Suddenly, a voice spoke. " Bomb activate. Time set for? "

Ryuna said it calmly, " 5 minutes? "

The robotic female voices approved the command. " Bomb time sets to 5 minutes. 04: 59..."

    The silver haired glared at her. " What are you doing?! "

Ryuna scratched her head and replied, " I thought the bomb was joking about it. "

Gokudera felt like wanting to throw his dumb granddaughter into the sea. He regretted for his bad timing to stop her.

    " Let's search for the wire to deactivate this running bomb. If only you didn't cut anything at first we might have the chance since the enemy was dumb enough to leave us with uneffective bomb. " He complained while staring at the bomb circuit.

      Ryuna became quiet for a while. Then, she tried to reach her grandfather's height by tiptoeing and lost her stability before bumping onto Gokudera. The said guy jolted and accidentally cut another two wires.

The bomb time shortened from 5 minutes to 1 minute only. A pale of fright crossed both of their faces. Ryuna was scolded by him again.

    " Look at what you've done! Act more like your age, you dummy! Our lives are in danger now because of your childish behaviour. "

For once in a time, the guilty look plastered on Ryuna's face. She stood there without moving at all as Gokudera went back to the real situation.

     Gokudera was bothered with the quiet atmosphere, as the sound of bomb ticking was the only sound they could hear.

        It took a while for the Storm to choose between two more wires. His option that one of it would set off the bomb and the other one is to deactivate the wires. He could not make his choices. He decided to take the risks.

' I'm sorry, Tenth. ' He cut the two of it at once as he closed his eyes. Moment passed on but nothing happened. He opened his eyes only to see the bomb still running.

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