Chapter 4

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I walk to my house in Florence, thinking about all the things I learned from Prussia and Austria. You can keep countries alive, along with pets, if your mind is strong enough. Holy Rome, my first love, was kept alive by Prussia, and later returned the favor. Prussia didn't say anything after that. I open the door to my house, thinking about everything. I saw two amber eyes looking up from a laptop on the desk on the left wall. Romano looked at me, his dark brown hair curl bouncing up a bit to the left.

"Welcome back. I take it you were at the potato bastard's house last night?" Germany! I completely forgot about him. Wait, how could Holy Rome have disappeared before he was born if Holy Rome helped Prussia stay alive? Romano started to look concerned.

"Yeah, though I've been all over the place today."

"What have you been doing?" I thought about it for a second, then decided to ask him too.

"Romano... did you ever know Holy Rome?" Romano nearly fell out of his chair. He sat up and collected himself.

"I never liked that bastard," he started. "But you did, so I put up with him." He paused for a second to drink some water. "I knew the day would come that you would ask about him." Romano looked a little defeated.

"Prussia said that he's still alive," I explained. "Do you happen to know where he is?" Romano put his palm to his face.

"If you haven't figured it out by now, I can't tell you. You'll know soon, Veneziano. I swear it." I don't know what he meant by that, but I went with it anyways.



I had another dream that night. This time I was outside my body, looking at the back of the child version of me. He wore the green and white maid dress that was similar to Hungary's. An auburn hair curl stuck out of the left side of his head. I noticed that he was holding the same broom from the last dream. Wow, I was a cute child. I kinda looked like a girl though.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around quickly. The handsome man who touched me had messy brown hair. He wore armor and a red cape. He smiled at me with his stubbly face and amber eyes.

"Grandpa Rome?" I looked up at him, astonished. It's been a long time since he appeared in my dreams. He smiled and nodded.

"It's been a long time, Veneziano." He looked back up at the child me, who was running. It was the same grassy meadow from my last dream. I watched as Grandpa stood behind me. I saw Holy Rome, standing with his back to... What was Japan's word for small and cute? Chibi? I'll call him Chibitalia then. Chibitalia called out to him.

"Holy Rome!" Holy Rome turned around and saw little me. He blushed and ran up to Chibitalia. Behind him, I see two faint figures. One was really tall and had long blonde hair and really blue eyes. He looks a lot like Germany.

"See him back there? That's Germania. My best friend." Grandpa Rome told me, leaning over a bit to look at me.

"But if that's Germania..." My heart skips a beat as I realize who the second figure is. Germany looks just about as surprised as I do. We focus our attention back on Chibitalia and Holy Rome.

"Italy! What are you doing here?" Holy Rome said.

"I had to see you before you left, Holy Rome!" I start to understand now.

"Go back to the house, Italy... I need to leave!"

"At least take something to remember me by..." Chibitalia held out his broom to Holy Rome. Holy Rome took it and held it with both arms.

"I could never forget you... Italy." He moved in closer and kissed Chibitalia. My first kiss. Chibitalia, tears in his eyes, kissed back. After a moment, the two pulled away and Holy Rome walked away, waving to Chibitalia. Chibitalia waved back.

"Bye, Holy Rome!" Chibitalia turned around and ran directly to me. He jumped into my arms. I caught him and held him by his armpits. I look up and see Holy Rome offering his broom to Germany. Germany took the broom and held it with both hands, then looked up at me. We stared at each other for a second, then started to walk towards each other. Germania and Grandpa just watched. They glanced at each other and smiled, then continued to watch us. Chibitalia jumped out of my arms and stood with Grandpa Rome, who picked him up. Holy Rome stood in front of Germania. Me and Germany continued to walk towards each other.

We were about three meters apart when Germany was swarmed by a murder of black crows. The crows didn't harm him though. His normal green military outfit suddenly turned into the black cape and cravat that Holy Rome wore. His slicked-back hair turned into bangs that went down to his eyes. Holy Rome's hat materialized on top of his head. Immediately afterward, I was surrounded by a flock of white doves. I was suddenly wearing my old green and white maid outfit that Chibitalia wore. Germany and I stopped walking when we were about half a meter away from each other.

"Italy." He said.

"Germany." I said back. He thought for a second and then held the broom out to me.

"I'm home."

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