"Ren you got a minute ? " I asked as I approached her . Lauren is the right person to fill me in about it . she was the sister of the player so I was sure she knew well how to handle and read girls like a book since her brother's life is full of that . she would tell me the real deal . 

"sure what's up Ari "

"I need to ask you about something...you know Chanel right ?" 

she made a disgusted face and sighed "ugh I would be dumb not to...what's up with the bimbo head now ?"

" umm has Jacob ever dated her ?"

she gave me a suspicious look " why do you ask ?"

" Lauren come on...." I begged

" fine fine....Chanel is like madly in love with my brother . you'd think she wants his dick but she really has a thing for him . so basically she's known Jacob for the longest since our parents and her parents are friends so we basically grew up together and I guess she had a crush on him since we were kids..anyway she's been trying to throw herself at Jacob like all other girls but he refuses to do that to her because he thinks of her as a "sister" . they've been raised together that's why he doesn't want to disrespect her and do her wrong but she's desperate and crazy about him and he doesn't want her so she keeps convincing people that he loves her but you don't have to worry because he doesn't have any feelings what so ever for her..happy now ? " she said crossing her arms .

" very , thanks girl " I said smiling and walking away , so Jacob was being respectful..hmm this is unexpectedly nice of him . and the poor girl seems like she's sprung and falling hard . you know what...after I change Jacob to a committed person , I really hope he sees how much she genuinely loves him and goes out with her , I mean , that's my target...to make the player ready to have a decent relationship with someone that truly loves him .

[Author's note : notice how she's saying that right now because she still doesn't like or love him , she's just trying to change him...but who knows later on she'll change her mind ;) ]

I was walking down the hallway not paying attention to where I'm going because I was looking at my schedule . I kept walking until I bumped into someone's chest . I looked up to apologize but it turned to a smirk when I saw who it was . you already know...him

when I bumped into him he didn't move but he pulled me close to his chest more .

"hey babe" he said smirking...as usual . then he wrapped his arms around my waist since I was already practically on his chest . "I'm not your babe you wish" I said as I removed his arms . " but you will be soon" he said as he quickly ran his finger across my cheek then down to my chin and cupped it . I rolled my eyes "again , you wish" . he pulled away then put his hands in his pockets and leaned back against a locker . "why do you insist on playing hard to get ma ?" he asked . " I'm not hard to get , you're just hard to want " I said with a shrug . he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows " right...." he said sarcastically . I smirked because I burned him , he didn't have a smart comeback to say . he cleared his throat and changed the subject "you going to the party today ?" he asked . must be the party Lauren and Jessie invited me to "I don't know maybe , are you ?" "yes" "then no" I said shrugging . he sighed in frustration and looked up to the ceiling then licked his lips ,  I was getting on his nerves...or was I ? 

he looked at me again and started to walk towards me as I backed up "you know I can tell you deny the fact that you want me , and you just insist on being stubborn which leaves me no choice but to prove you're lying..." he said as he got closer to me with every word .I knew what he meant . I stared at his face and froze...damn it . it's just something in his face that has me weak..his eyes of course...and his lips maybe..but I can't be weak now . before I could start backing up again he had already pinned me to a locker . the hallway was clear so nobody saw us . he put both his hands on the locker and trapped me . then he got closer to my neck and breathed on it...my eyes were starting to get heavy and I couldn't help but close them . ...a fact about me is that once I'm turned on there's no going back..I can't bring myself back to reality . he kissed my jaw slow and sweet then went to my ear and nibbled on it . I don't know why it was an instinct but I wrapped my arms around his neck . since I was shorter , he lifted me up so I was the same height as him and held me by my hips with  my back still against the locker . he kept nibbling on my ear with me just sitting there helpless not being able to do anything or stop him . he pulled away to get a look of my face then smirked and went back to my ear . " not so hard to want right now , am I ? " he whispered . I stayed silent . he put me back on the ground and I gave him a death glare . honestly that was all I could do then  "see you at the party babe" he said as he smiled and walked away with a conceited grin . I slid down the locker to the floor and covered my head in my hands . my plan is going wrong...totally wrong . it's like I take a step forward and 5 steps back . well revenge is sweet , and there's a party tonight . we'll see .

Jacob : 2 , Arianna : 1 

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