Once I buckled myself in I laid myself on Harry who was quick to rub my stomach. He was drawing circles everywhere. While he was doing so, I studied his face and tried to imagine what he was feeling or thinking. Harry's face was happy, you could tell by his eyes. He had a slight smile on his face as he felt one of the babies moving. I could feel it too but I didn't let him see my emotions. I wanted him to experience them for his own. "Babe, I just felt o-" My eyes widened as I sat up kind of quickly. A weird feeling came from my lower region of my stomach, like one of them had kicked my bladder. "Did one just kick?" I nodded my head and watched Harry's face change from a small smile to a huge one. If I had to describe his mood I would have to say ecstatic.

"They must know their daddy has their hands on them, protecting them," I whispered happily as Harry looked up at me once more. This time he had a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"This is such a beautiful miracle of life, and I'm glad you are carrying them." I reached my hand up to Harry's face and he smiled bigger. "They're going to be so active, I hope we can handle them." He kissed my forehead.

"We can, Hazza. You're talking to someone who grew up with random rambunctious kids that my mother watched." Harry looked more at ease once I said that, which was good because I knew he needed to be.

We drove by food places left and right and Zayn's stomach must have growled because Paul spoke up. "How about we go get something to eat?" I shrugged my shoulders, still not feeling my best. "Liam, can you call or text one of the boys in the other car to see if they're hungry," Paul asked as he turned into a parking lot of a department store. We sat here and waited for Liam to get a response. 

It only took about two minutes before Liam's phone pinged. "He asked when and where," Liam announced. Paul turned around and looked at all of us. I looked to Harry who was looking at me.

"I say Ris should decide since she is the American born one," Harry stated happily. I smiled and looked at all of the guys in the car. "I'm feeling down for some seafood," Harry commented. That seemed to spark everyone's interest in the car so Liam texted back and quickly heard a response.

"Niall says yes in all capital letters." I chuckled and told Paul where to go. I knew of one seafood restaurant that was fantastic, only because my father used to tell me about it from when he used to live here. I never talked to my father much, nor do I remember much about him but he did tell me about this seafood place. It was all he talked about before he passes away when I was younger. My father was a businessman, very successful from what I remember. At least that's what I thought because mom and I never had to struggle with paying bills, or maybe she did and just didn't tell me. My mind got abruptly thrown from my thoughts as Harry took my hand in his and started pulling me out of the car. 

Our eyes met as I started helping myself out of the vehicle. Liam and Danielle were already walking inside followed by Lou and Eleanor. Niall stopped by Zayn who was waiting for Harry and I. Paul went to order our food while we picked a big booth and sat down. It was luckily near an exit in the restaurant, I guess you could never know when fans were going to go crazy. Zayn scooted in first followed by Lou, Eleanor, Harry, Me, Niall and then Liam and Danielle. Paul and one other guy who drove the other vehicle sat down at a table near us and began talking after Paul got back from ordering food. "So, I'm glad this tour is almost over," Zayn sputtered out to break the silence. I nodded along with Harry and a few other lads. "Then once it's over, I get to be an uncle!" My gaze snapped over to Zayn who was smiling over at me. "I just can't wait!"

I laughed, "Well I think you'll have to be added to the list of people who can't wait." He looked confused.

"Come again?" I rolled my eyes with a huge smile on my face

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