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A.N I wanted to thank everyone for the many recent favorites and follows! A reviews over on AO3 answered the riddle in the last chapter so they get to pick a character name. The answer was the 'c' Pirates love the C. I apologize for the late update, lots of stress the past few months but I think everything will be going back on track soon. I want to thank VallasRevas again for helping me with this chapter! Thank you everyone and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Great Inagua, June 17th, 1722

Sea blue eyes gaze up curiously at Mary's extended hand. She pulls her little doll closer to her chest and backs up into Edward's knees. Mary frowns, lowering her hand back to her side. Jennifer tugs on Edward's sleeve and he bends down to listen.

Mary tries her hardest not to feel hurt when the child whispers, "What happened to her eye?" Mary touches her scar gently and her chest tightens painfully. Over ten years and the wound is still as fresh as the day she received it.

"Miss Scott!" Mary watches as an auburn haired lad hurries to Jennifer's side.

He pushes the child towards Mary, resting his hands at her shoulders, "That was very rude of you," he then grabs Mary's hands, "I apologize miss, I really should have been keeping a better eye on her." He bows and places a kiss to the top of her hand.

Mary laughs, such pleasantries for just a lowly pirate? She glances at Edward who'd been glaring daggers into the back of the lad's head. She pulls her hand away with a grin, "You two must be exhausted from your travels, we'll get you set up in the guest house. I don't think I caught your name Mister..."

The lad's green eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun and he flashes a bright dimpled smile, "Please call me Nicholas." Edward clears his throat loudly adjusting Sophia at his hip. Mary gestures towards the manor, "Well, let's get going Nicolas."


The trip up to the guest house was a silent one, well between Edward and Mary anyway. Nicholas babbled on about Bristol and how the weather was just so different here and that he'd surely have to go out and buy some lighter clothes. Edward grumbled under his breath mocking the poor kid while Mary laughs quietly to herself, she'd never seen jealous Edward and she was sure having fun with it.

Nicholas clearly took a liking to Mary, his touch lingering a bit longer than necessary when he'd been told to rest up until dinner. Edward grumbled again and stormed ahead, "I'll show Jennifer to her room, find me when you two are finished fooling around Mary."

She rolls her eyes at the sound of the door slamming and Nicholas rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "Looks as though he's smitten." Mary smirks, "He better be, I ain't going along with this just for Sophia." Green eyes widen and Nicholas' face brightens the color of a tomato, which isn't that hard to do with his light complexion. "I beg your pardon?"

Mary squeezes that lad's shoulder, "You are quite charming but unfortunately Edward and I are already together," she pats him gently on the cheek, "Besides I'm much too old for you." Mary heads back to the manor hoping Edward calmed down at least a little.


Mary leans in the doorway as Edward places Sophia in her bed and asks, "What was that all about?" He pulls the covers up to Sophia's chin and places a kiss to her forehead. She let's out a big yawn and he turns to Mary, eyebrow raised, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She pushes off from the door frame and crosses her arms over her chest, "If I did know any better I'd say you were jealous of the poor kid." Edward's eyes flick from her face to her arms and his frown deepens.

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