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A.N. Thank you to the reviewer who pointed out my spelling mistakes! Can you tell I write the story on my phone? Thank you everyone for your support, the reviews, favorites and follows! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it! Please leave a review if you notice any mistakes or have any suggestions, anything you'd like to see in the story, if you enjoy the story and even if you don't enjoy the story! Now enough rambling, let's find out where Mary and Sophia are at!


Kingston, September 9th, 1720

"Where is she?!" Edward shouts at one of the guards as he pummels him with his fists. The guard cowers behind his arms, "I don't have a clue what you're talking about, we haven't had a woman here in months!" Edward doves him to the ground and curses to himself. He crawls to bell and rings for reinforcements, while Edward was busy talking to himself.

Suddenly he is surrounded with upwards to fifteen soldiers, "Dammit!" He shoots a watch tower guard with his blow dart. The guard aims at his comrades, taking three of the men out before anyone can even react. He shoots a brute in the shoulder and swings his cutlass down hard, aiming for his head. He rolls out of the way and the metal lodges into the ground. He ducks just as a dagger slashes next to his cheek.

He swings at the man but he's agile and hops out of the way with each swing of his sword. Edward rolls, barely dodging the swing of the ax from the brute. receiving a small nick from the blade. He throws his blade up into his neck and shoots another guard in the head with his pistol. He grabs onto the shoulders of a confused guard and shoves him in front of an incoming bullet.

He throws the dead man to the ground and shoots a dart at the lithe guard. He growls, foaming at the mouth and takes out three more men. He falls to the ground dead and Edward turns to face his final foe. He focus on the brute and pulls out his pistols, taking two shots at him. The guard falls to his knees clutching at his throat and Edward smirks, striding forward to finish him off.

The brute throws a knife in Edward's direction. He ducks but not fast enough, he earns a large cut to the top of his forehead, he curses and the man rises back to his feet. Edward, enraged, swings his cutlass down but the guard blocks it with his axe. "Come off it pirate, surrender now!" Edward growls and aims at his feet, "Never!" The man hops out of the way and Edwards blade just barely cuts his uniform.

The guard, jabs at Edward's gut but Edward rolls behind him. The man is too slow to spin around so Edward is just behind him, Perfect. Edward stabs the man in the back, impaling him on his sword. He lets out a garbled cry and slinks dead on the ground. Edward heaves, trying to regain his lost breath. He hears footsteps behind him and turns to watch his friend approach.

"Captain, there is no sign of her outside." Edward nods and pulls his sword from the man's back, "Aye, one of these men said they haven't had a woman here in months. I'd still like to go inside, just to be sure." Adéwalé nods and the two men slink into the building.


Havana, September 9th, 1720

"Shhh, Sophia, you will give us away. Remember, blend with the crowd. I can't quite do that if you're crying." Mary rocked the baby, attempting to soothe her. The crowd around her gives her strange looks, she growls and shouts angrily, "Ain't you ever see a baby before?" The people around her quickly look away and continue about their business. She huffs and storms angrily off to the bureau.


"Who's this little fella?" Rhona shouts and Sophia begins wailing, Mary rocks the baby and glares at the woman, "Can't you be quiet? Don't you know babies don't like loud noises?" She sighs and places the baby against her chest, running a hand through her soft blonde hair, "This is my daughter Sophia."

A Treasure More Prescious Than Gold James Kidd/Edward KenwayWhere stories live. Discover now