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Tulum, June 3, 1720

"Miss Read I know this doesn't taste good, but I need you to drink it." Mary groans falling back into her bed, her body quakes with an uncontrollable chill. Her body is so hot, yet she feels so cold. The nurse wipes the sweat from her brow with with a cold rag, Mary barely has the strength to ask for a glass of water. The nurse helps her sit, holding the cup to her lips. The fever still hasn't broken, Mary blacks out again.


Tulum June 13, 1720

Mary wakes to a heavy weight on her hand, she feels a cool drop of water land on her cheek. She cracks her eyes open, just enough to see Anne crouching over her with tears rolling down her cheeks. She lifts a heavy hand towards Anne's face and tries to wipe the tears away. Her vision fades again, Don't cry Anne.


Tulum June 15, 1720

Mary feels her shirt being lifted up so she struggles weakly against the person. They pin her to the bed and her heart races. She waits for the enviable sounds of a belt being pulled off and the searing pain of being entered without consent. But it never comes, instead she hears a soft voice, "You're alright Mary, we are just cleaning your bandages." Bandages? What happened?


Tulum June 17, 1720

Mary grumbles under her breath, Damn it, It's so hot. Her eyes shoot open and she toses the blankets off, hopping from the bed. She shields herself and turns around the small room. Where the hell am I? She eyes her clothes in a small pile by the door and hurries over.

She shrugs on the heavy coat then stiffens, places a palliative hand to her stomach, That's going to take l some time getting used to. She gazes at her bulging belly amazed, it's almost doubled in size, the baby wriggles inside and she grins. She had only felt them move one other time and now they can't seem to settle down. "Hey, ya need to settle down in there, that's starting to hurt!" She pats her belly and decides to figure out where she was. She pulls the door open and nearly slams into her redheaded friend. Anne drops her hands to her sides and gasps, "Mary."

Mary has to brace herself against the door frame before she's nearly knocked to the ground. Anne clings to her, tears rolling down her face, "Mary, we thought that you would never wake up!" Mary embraces her tightly, "Anne, where are we? How did we get out of the prison?"

Anne holds her at arm's length, "You really don't remember? Edward saved us, he was dragging you through the halls, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You were knocking on death's door after all. Your friend Ah Tabai took us to this strange little island. Something with a 'T'... what was it..." Mary chuckles, "Tulum?" Anne slams her fist into her palm in recognition, "That's right!" Mary grins and leads her friend outside, "Come on, I better go find him."

The women walk through the town laughing joyfully, it had been such a long time since Mary had a genuine smile upon her lips. "I feel like this is just a dream, don't tell me I'm going to wake up and find myself back in that horrible place." Anne smiles and brings her hand to Mary's arm, giving it a very painful pinch and Mary yelps, "What was that for?"

Mary rubs at the spot seeing a dark bruise forming already, "If this were a dream you wouldn't have felt that." Mary grins and watches the building in front of her grow larger. Anne glances around the room, an assortment of weapons and relics adorn the walls. "Mary what is all of this?"

Mary walks up to a blade that was at least two centuries old to analyze the intricate design. "These weapons were used by past members of our creed, I suppose they still work but they're better off as a memorial." She jumps when she hears a honeyed male voice behind her. She whips around and thrusts her fists up ready to strike.

A Treasure More Prescious Than Gold James Kidd/Edward KenwayWhere stories live. Discover now