Do You Want to Play for City? - Part 9

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Mandy was wearing a winter coat, over a skirt and tights, with high heeled boots. Morton thought she looked gorgeous in the twilight, even though she towered over him. He wondered briefly if he should ask her out, then dismissed the thought as ridiculous. She was too young for him.

Ollie emerged from the darkness of the canal path. "Hi, you must be Mandy."

They shook hands and Mandy replied nervously, "Yes."

"I'm Ollie Barnes, the Chairman of City. I'm sure all of this has come as a bit of a surprise."

"Yes it has," Mandy said. "I recognise you. And you live on a barge?"

Ollie laughed, "No. It's a hobby of mine. I love sailing the canals in "Maisy". I use her for private meetings away from the club. Come on in."

A few minutes later they were seated in a small cabin drinking tea.

"Is this some kind of an elaborate wind up?" Mandy asked. "Is some joker going to run in here with a camera, telling me I've been punked?"

"It's not a wind up, Mandy. But before we go any further, are you interested?"

"Definitely! Yes I mean, I'm surprised, obviously. But why would you want a woman goalkeeper?"

"I'll be totally honest with you. The club's in deep financial shit," Ollie told her.

"Don't sugar coat it for her," Morton said.

"The thing is, we lose the lease on the ground at the end of the season unless we get new sponsors. No ground, no team. The club dies," Ollie said frankly.

"And we need a new keeper," Morton added.

"That's true too. So, then I had an idea that could save the club," Ollie said.

Morton made a disbelieving sound.

Ollie said "If we sign a woman, we'll make football history. Then the club can cash in. But what's wrong with that?" he continued defensively.

Morton interjected, "Football teams have been signing over the hill players since the '70's to cash in on shirt sales."

"The only difference is, that instead of some has-been with a drink problem, we want to sign you," Ollie said.

"A young woman who can still play the game," Morton said.

"The publicity will be huge," Ollie continued. "If we don't get finance now the club's finished."

Mandy couldn't wait any longer to speak, "This is crazy! If I play against men, they'll kill me!"

"No doubt some'll try. A lot of guys are going to fucking hate you. We'll support you as much as we can, but you'll have to look after yourself on the pitch," Ollie told her soberly. "No pressure, but the club's depending on you."

Mandy was deep in thought. "This is a lot to take in. I need some time to think it through."

"We need an answer quickly Mandy, or there won't be a club left to play for."

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