Computer Love - Part 6

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Mandy was lying on the sofa watching Gok Wan trying to turn some mutton into lamb. Her husband, Brian, a gangling, nondescript man was sitting in front of his computer, at a desk in the corner.

"What are you doing?" Mandy asked.

"Hmm?" He replied, absently.

"All you ever do is sit in front of that computer, night after night."

"Sorry, it's work."

Mandy patted the sofa. "Come and lie down with me."

"I can't, Mandy. This has to be done for tomorrow."

"Are you turning me down for a spreadsheet?" She asked him playfully.

"Don't be silly. Let me work."

"I'm going to bed. Join me if you want," Mandy said hopefully.

"I'll be up in a bit."

As Mandy left the room, Brian looked at the screen. There was a new chat message from Michelle. "When are you going to tell her? Love you loads and see you tomorrow."

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