Chapter Five: Senior Year

Start from the beginning

Ashanti- Girl let me tell you what you just signed up for..

Jazmin- What do you mean?

Ashanti- Do you know who that girl was?..Okay that was stupid of me to ask..Of course you don't because IF you did you would know messing with her was a BIG MISTAKE..

Jazmin- I don't care who she is..All I know is that nobody should be talked down like that..What's her deal anyways?

Ashanti- You did a good deed..Every chance Lina gets she'll mess with Amy..By the way my name is Ashanti but my friends call me Ash for short and seeing the way you just stood up for my girl Amy consider yourself on my friend list..

Jazmin- Thank you means a lot considering I'm new here..My name is Jazmin nice to meet both of you..(I looked over to Amy who stood silently near us)...Why do you let her treat you that way?

Amy- Well we use to be friends till we grew apart back in middle school as you can tell she became popular and I well...I didn't fit her standards anymore.

Ashanti- Girl you better quit that lying..She got jealous of you the moment you tried out for the cheerleading squad since you have mad talent..That set her off to make your life a living hell every chance she gets..

Jazmin- You cheer?

Amy- Yeah well I did last year but I'm quitting this year..I don't want any problems this is my senior year if I can avoid Lina I'll be fine.

Jazmin- I'm guessing Lina is the girl who insulted you?

Ashanti- Lina is the most popular girl in school her grandparents own the most expensive stores this town has not to mention they are partnered up with the most well known designer Mr. Lavishon from Paris and they contribute their ideas and new creations to distribute them around the world. You met only one robot minion of hers Alisa the one that was laughing she has a twin sister Alison also popular because their parents own the only two City Hall Banks the town has..

Amy- Ash don't forget there is a mystery rich family living in this town that are way more richer than Lina's family..Except they're secretive with their identity..

Ashanti- I know rumor has it that they own the whole town including this school..The big school donations come from them.

Jazmin- Nobody has ever seen them?

Ashanti- If anyone has found out about who the family is they either got paid real well not to open their mouth or got killed I'm sure..Either way they've been hiding for several years we just don't know why..

Amy- For all we know they can be around us here in school or living in the same town as us..

Jazmin- Hmm that does sound like a mysterious family but anyways back to the subject..So let me guess this Lina girl is also head of the cheerleading squad?

Amy- Yeah she's the one who decides who stays and who leaves..

Jazmin- How did you manage to stay in the squad for a year or actually how did you manage to get in?

Ashanti- She got in by her massive talent she's a natural..

Amy- You also had to do something with it..

Ashanti- Uh no girl I did nothing but give you a little push that's all..

Jazmin- You cheer also?

Ashanti- No I'm in the soccer team only female to play in an all guys team by the way! *Smirks

Jazmin- Nice! (I cheerfully gave her a high five)..Amy I don't think you should quit cheerleading especially if you have talent maybe that's why she wants you out..

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