Chapter 7

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Warning this chapter is going to be dark and is going to have rape in it so if you don't want to read it please skip.

Tords pov

I was being pin down in the other room scared out of my mind. All I felt was that person's hand start to slip under my shirt. My mind racing as this all goes down. He picked me up moving me over to a bed and placing me on my back. He climbed on top of me and started to grind as I try to wiggle away. He grabbed me and pulled my face closer to him and he kissed me with his awful kiss. I hated this so much I just want to be at home with Matt, Edd, and Tom. He moved to my neck leaving hickeys and bite marks all along it. He soon took a knife out of his pocket and cut of my shirt. At this point I am fully crying hateing life. He starts at it again leaving hickeys and bite makes along my chest. He flipped me over and started to pull down my pants. Then next was my boxers.  As my ass is in the air I hear him taking of his belt. God I hated this. Soon his hands were on my hips rubbing them as he climbed and mounted me and whispered in my ear " I'm not going easy on you" with that he slammed into me and my muffled screams stared as my crying got worse. He stared to thrust in and out and the pain was to unbearable I felt like this was never going to end tell it did.

Tom's pov

I started making my way to the door that I can smell tord in as his sent finally was overlapped with someone's eleses as I put my ear to the door my heart sinks to the sound of crying and a guy grunting. I open the door in shock to see a guy fucking Tord. My anger started to grow and at this point I'm in full monster form ripping this gut off of Tord.  I wish I was hear sooner. I picked but the little commie and held him in my claws. Tears running down his face as I see his body shake. This made me to all out in a rampage killing all the people in the warehouse and freeing the other captured people. After that I took of with Tord in hand and ran into the woods and found a cave to stay the night at. I layed Tord down as I untie him  as I covered him with my tail seeing as he is naked. He rapped his arms around my tail hugging me and saying thank you for saving me. As I looked at my norski all I can concentrate on was the bite and hickeys on his body. When we get back home in the morning I'll have to disinfected he's wounds. At this point I hated the smell of that guy on Tord. So I picked Tord up and brought him closer to me and cuddled with him like a giant cat because it was a very cold night. Then whispered in Tords ear "will head back home in the morning and your safe now". As we both feel asleep

Sorry this chapter just got posted at 11:30pm. I came home today after school and passed out and didn't wake up tell like 10pm so ya but hey look I still made the story post today.

Tom X Tord (Pathetic world.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora