Chapter 6~Percy POV

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I walked into The Arena for my next fight. "I give you The Monster Quad Squad. The first monster is The Lernean Hydra. The second monster is Echidna. The third monster is The Chimera. The fourth and final monster is the father and king of all monsters, Typhon himself"Hyperios yelled triumphantly. I leapt into action, cutting Echidna in half and absorbing her essence. The Chimera roared and breathed fire as I threw a cannonball down its throat, choking it to death. I absorbed The Chimera's essence. Typhon lunged at me and kicked me into the stands causing me to flatten 2000 Telekhines to death underneath me. I absorbed their essences. I called upon my Omni-Telekhine form making me as tall as Typhon. Riptide and my gear  grew to fit my massive size. I stabbed Typhon in the stomach and chest 20 times each before he burst into two massive streams of gold dust that was absorbed into my hands. I am now known as Nightmare because I am a walking nightmare. I shifted to human form and sliced off one of the hydra heads and burned it with fire to cauterize the wound. I did this to the other heads and absorbed the hydra. I gained the title Monster King for killing and absorbing both the mother and father of all monsters.  

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