Chapter 9: Bruises

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Just a little warning, the content in this chapter is a little bit darker than it has been in the previous chapters. You see a little more in to Keegan's life and it isn't that fantastic so please use discretion while reading.


Keegan's POV

as insane as it may sound to every other human being on the planet, I think I knew I had to have her the minute she walked into our shared algebra class on that very first day of school. She was loud, so loud it may even be considered annoying, bubbly, and blonde with blue eyes that could pierce through the deepest of thoughts; a deep contrast to my quiet and deeply shy personality. Ya, so maybe it's a little weird for a guys like me to having such deep thoughts about some girl, but she wasn't just a girl, she was much more.

everything was so perfect, that was until I pulled into the small one car garage after the date that had turned out more amazing than I could have ever imagined it. I walked in the passing the recycling can on the way there. Several new beer can had appeared since I had left, eleven to be exact. My father had always loved his beer, he probably loved it more than me and his new wife combined. Though he was nearly always intoxicated, my step mom didn't seem to mind, she just joined in and left me to tough it alone.

angry and drunk had always gone hand in hand for my dad, so I knew I had it coming for me that night. "Where the hell have you been," he bombarded before the door even had time to latch shut. The scent of beer laced his breath making his eyes a deep red.

" I told you I was going on a days remember?" I shot my eyes towards the floor hoping he wouldn't be able to see the fear that was appearing.

he chuckled, " why would some one want to go on a date with you? You're to fucked up for that."

I glanced at my step mom placed on e recliner chair focused on whatever was on tv not even paying attention to the verbal abuse that was taking place right before her very eyes, " can I just go to my from please." I asked, attempting to make my way around his large beer belly.

" woah woah woah, why don't ya stay and chat for a while," his tome was ever SI taunting, " tell as about your girl."

"it's none of your business alright." I made my way around him finally and was almost to the stairs when I felt his fist clench the back of my shirt pulling me back, " will you let me go?" I said turning around to face a clenched first coming towards my eye, the last thing I saw before everything when black.


I woke up god knows how much later, only able to open my left eye, I was vaguely aware of what happened after I blacked out, all I knew was that everything, and I mean everything, seemed to be erupting in a fire of pain. I forced my head up and was thankful that my attackers were no where I'm sight, I let out a deep sigh. Usually at time at times like this I would generally grab the nearest sharp object and well I'm sure of. An figure out the rest, but this time I rejected that thought. Not only did I not have enough energy to go searching for that kind of tool, but for once in my life, I had a single ounce of hope, and that hope was Haley. It hadn't taken long for her to win me over and now I couldn't just think about myself anymore. I slowly got up and held my news high, if I going to to through shit like this, than I was gonna do it with a hell of a lot of pride.

I stayed home from school nearly all week simply for the reason that I don't want to face the endless questions that people would have the guts to ask. By the time Friday rolled around, I hadn't left my room in a good two days and I decided it was time to return for school. I knew I would get some strange glances but it didn't really matter, I missed Haley and as odd as it sounded, I actually missed school. I received a worried text from Haley just as I had fastened my seat belt and was about to pull out of my driveway, I replied reassuring her that everything was ok and revealing the news that I would be returning today which was sure to please her

I drove in a daze and a slight case of tunnel vision, making it to school just seconds before the bell rang, "fuck" I muttered under my breath. I hopped out the jeep being thankful that the doors were still off making me escape that much easier, then I booked my ass straight to homeroom.

I made it with just seconds to spare, "Keegan could you please take your seat, I need to take role." The old teacher snapped at me. Haley's little blonde head shot up in reaction to having heard my name, I nodded and walked towards her watching as her lips transformed into the shyest smile.

After role was taken, I made the move to speak first, "Hey there," I stated. She turned around with a flip of her hair. I don't know what it was, maybe she just wore a little more makeup today or maybe she had lightened her hair, but something about her was different, and I couldn't help but smile about it.

"Hey how are you?" She stated smiling. It was a simple question though it made me cringe

I glanced down towards her knowing that I couldn't lie straight to her face, "Im alright, but I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh really? Well I wanted to talk to you as well."

"You first."

She pressed her lips into a straight line before speaking, "I just wanted ti thank you, Saturday was kind of amazing, theres just one thing you, you forget your blank-"

I cut her off, "Keep it alright? Consider it a gift," she nodded, now it was my turn, I knew she would say yes but that didn't calm my nerves one tiny bit, here it goes, it thought to myself before speaking, "Now I know theres this thing called homecoming coming up."

"Oh ya thats right," her dense sarcastic tone forced a chuckle out of me.

"And I would be honored to have you as my date."

She spared no time replying, "Oh really?"

"Is that a yes?" All of my nerves were building up to this moment.

"Yes." She was smiling. Even though we were in a public setting, I couldn't help myself, I lifted myself out of my seat and pecked the soft skin on her cheek. I felt heat rise to her temples immediately and I knew instantly my touch had quite the effect over her. I took of my sweatshirt and mumbled something about the temperature, not even thinking about the yellowing bruises that covered both arms.

Haley reaction to these bruises were exactly what you would expect them to be, full of questions and glassy covered eyes. I try to hide the truth from her but it was pointless. My thought started to pour out of my mouth as if to give all my secrets to her. Suddenly she knew all about my father and just exactly where those bruises had come from. She looked so extremely worried, so I grabbed her right hand which was resting lightly on the end of my desk and spoke.

"Don't worry beautiful, I can take care of myself"

And for one silly moment, I actually believe I could


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