"If it's anything like the stuff in Miku's fanfiction, then you two are going to enjoy it!" Kaito laughed and limped over to Miku's side. She gasped and threw her pizza at her boyfriend's face. Neru was drinking some water and it came out of her nose as she started to guffaw.

"Stop it, Kaito!" Miku hissed, "Nobody needs to know about that!"

Kaito sat down as the pizza slid off of his face and onto the floor. His face was covered in pepperoni, cheese, and tomato sauce. "Hey, at least my clothes aren't ruined!" He said with a huge, cheesy grin. Yes, I just punned, except Kaito's grin was pretty authentic.

Miku groaned. Kaito laughed. I watched Gumi make Yuma run laps around the living room, probably making him run before letting him eat. Oliver reached forward, offering a napkin to Kaito, who gladly took it and began wiping his face.

"Haha, pizza face!" Neru just couldn't stop laughing, and I admit, that line of hers got me, Rin and Oliver laughing, too. Of course, Kaito didn't take it to heart; he just laughed along before kissing Miku with his tomato sauce covered mouth, and she looked like she actually enjoyed it.

"There's actually more than one surprise," I explained to Rin, "And I haven't read any of Miku's fanfictions, so I don't know what goes on in there..."

"That's why I brought a copy!" Kaito pulled a few folded up sheets of paper out of his pocket and waved them in the air. Miku yelped at the sight.

"Hey, where did you get those?" She screeched, "I only have one copy!"

"I asked Jeremy the Second to get it photocopied for me!" Kaito smirked, dodging Miku as she launched herself at him. He handed the papers to me and I looked at the first sheet with Rin peering over my shoulder.

"Just skim through it," Kaito said, grabbing Miku and tickling her, "You don't have to read it here."

I nodded, and Rin flipped the page. Our eyes ran down the words and we both blushed about halfway through.

"D-Do you want to keep looking?" Rin asked me with a small voice.

"I don't know, do you?" I shifted a little in my spot before flipping the page again. We kept reading, stopping again at the end of the page.

"T-That's enough of now, don't you think?" I chuckled uneasily at Rin and she nodded. Her entire face was red. I handed the sheets back to Kaito, "Here."

"You weren't supposed to read that...," Miku slumped in Kaito's arms. Suddenly, she started squirming, "Kaito, how could you?"

"Miku, it's okay!" Rin said quickly, "It's written very well! The content is...the content..."

"It's imaginative!" I said, filling in Rin's silence, "Let's get back to enjoying the party now, okay?"

"Who wants a Slurpee?" Mikuo yelled. We all went quiet. Neru stood up suddenly and started flailing her arms in the air.

"Me! Me!" She hollered before pointing down at Oliver, "And him, too!"

"No," Oliver said bluntly, "She's the only one who's crazy about them."

Neru smacked Oliver on the head and scoffed."I'll go get us both one," she said, strutting off. Oliver sighed and grinned, extending an arm towards him before pulling him onto our side.

"She likes you," I whispered. Oliver blushed and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding?" He burst out, "No, she doesn't! She's just a big pain!"

"Shh!" Rin giggled and pressed a finger to her lips, "She'll hear you!"

"She doesn't like me," he said under his breath, crossing his arms and sinking into the sofa cushions.

Spectrum of Yellows: Vocaloid Fanfiction (Pairings in desc.)Where stories live. Discover now