Pain's and craving's

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Being a girl sucks. So do periods.

Having to bleed from the inside out, every month! Hurts like hell. Especially when you want to eat everything in sight for ages and at the same time don't want to move an inch without your heated blanket.

Sitting on the sofa with your blanket and a pack of crisps, you watch Supernatural. This was your third time doing a re-watch marathon of it.

You instantly got hungry again and reached for the crisps, only to realise the packet was empty.

"Harrison!" You whined, loudly. You groaned as you heard him coming down the stairs. "Harry." You called his nickname, a bit quieter.

"I'm here love." He said rubbing your arm. "What do you need."

"There's no crisps left." You moaned, holding onto your stomach. He knew that you got terrible pains, worst than most and loads of cravings.

"I'll go buy some." He kissed your head, rushing out the house with a quick, "Love you!"

You smiled to yourself, knowing how kind and generous your boyfriend was. Such a lucky person you are. Then you realised you had run out of a lot of things and really wanted them.

So you got your phone out and texted Harrison, with a huge list of food:
Fruit pastels
Dorito dip


Opening your eyes from the pitch black you hadn't realised had taken over, you saw a box on the table in front of you.

You got up and leaned on your elbow from you lying down position. Pulling the box towards you, you saw everything you wanted from the list.

Reaching into it, you felt paper. You took it out and read it.

It's nice to have someone in my life who can make me smile, even if they're not around.
~ Harry

You mumbled a little 'aww' and took out the skittles. You sat up with you huge blanket surrounding you and mini pillow fort surrounding your back.

And stayed there watching the movie you fell asleep to.


Harrison walked downstairs and onto the sofa next to you, he just finished his workouts and was kinda sweating but you didn't care.

He looked over at you and smiled. "Thank you." You said just above a whisper.

"That's okay." He simply replied in the same volume.

You leant down and out your head on his lap, his hand went to your head and gently stroked your hair.

You were comfy on the sofa and his lap. He was comfy on the sofa and his hand in your hair.

Both of you spent the rest of the day like that and ate all the food.

Harrison was the best boyfriend ever!

A/N ~ That was that and now I'm going to school. Fun(!)

Thanks for reading!

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