Don't cry

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*NOT MY WRITING - blakesmoak *

A/N- This takes place during a random time where all the Avengers are fighting together and Spider-Man is there.

Y/N stumbled back into an abandoned building clutching her stomach that was bleeding heavily. While she had been fighting the army as Y/S/N, a flying piece of shrapnel had impaled her in the stomach. Y/N groaned in pain as she began to remove the long piece of shrapnel. Outside, she could hear the fighting continue as she sat on the cold floor in agony.

Finally, the blood-stained piece of metal sat in Y/N's hand. She noticed that the end of the shrapnel was glowing a faint green colour. Intrigued, she examined it from all sides before placing it in a pouch that rested on her waistband next to her gun. Gone as quickly as it came, a weird tingling sensation tickled Y/N's stomach, prompting her to lift up her suit's shirt. She was shocked when she saw that the area of skin that was previously bleeding heavily had healed over with a new piece of slightly transparent and glowing skin.

"What the he-?" Y/N began to question before Iron Man swooped into the building.

Tony hit the side of his mask and his mask contorted to reveal his face. Despite the fact that her skin had healed, Y/N had begun to feel light-headed. The world began spinning as she gripped onto the arms of Tony's suit.

"Y/N? Y/N! What's wrong? What happened?" He asked frantically, lightly shaking her, but it was too late, she had passed out.


Y/N awoke in her bed at Stark Towers. She had been living there for a year after her home situation turned ugly. Tony had taken her in and provided her with the love and nurture she never received as a child, even if he wouldn't admit to it. Y/N's eyes fluttered open and she immediately covered them with her arm as sunlight poured into the room.

"How are you feeling?" A voice spoke as Y/N sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. Tony was sat on a chair at the foot of the bed.

"I'm fine." She replied groggily, "What happened?"

"Well, I was hoping you would tell me, I saw you stumble into the building clutching your stomach, but when you passed out, your stomach was fine. So, Y/N, what happened?"

Y/N gulped as all the memories of the previous day came flooding back: the bleeding, the alien material, the healing, everything.

"I don't know," she lied "Maybe it was just shock, I don't think the metal would manage to get through my suit, it's too thick. Too protective."

Tony didn't say anything he just nodded.

"Ok then," he placed his hands on his knees, ready to get up, "your suit's over there." He pointed to it hanging in my wardrobe, "get some rest."

He left the room, leaving Y/N alone again. She groaned, something was wrong and she had to figure it out. Wincing slightly because of the pain in her stomach, she pushed herself off of the bed and made her way to her wardrobe. All she was wearing was a white t-shirt and shorts (that's what she wore underneath her suit). Rifling through her clothes, she pulled out a large, oversized button-up shirt. She smiled as she pulled it on - it was her boyfriend's shirt. She buttoned up the shirt and left her room, the medical room her destination.

Her bare feet padded softly against the tiled floor. She quietly opened the door and slipped into the dark room, unnoticed. Y/N flipped the two switches on the wall and the lights turned on and the room whirred to life. The computer's screens showed the Stark logo and JARVIS' voice echoed through the room.

"Hello Y/N. How may I be of assistance to you?"

Y/N exhaled, trying to control her breathing. She was scared of what might happen, maybe it would be easier to forget about it, maybe it would be ok. No, she thought, I have to face this, even if it's hard.

"I need you to prepare the scanner JARVIS."

"Ok. Scanner prepared."

The scanner flashed green, signalling that it was ready to use. Shaking, Y/N pushed herself onto the cold surface of the scanner and laid down. The lid of the scanner clicked shut, enclosing her in the small tube. A light swiped over the top of the tube once, twice, three times.

"Scan complete." JARVIS' voice rang out through the room.

The lid of the tube opened and Y/N hurriedly hopped out, still shaking.

"JARVIS, what are the results?" (Y/N)'s voice was worried, scared.

"It seems that you have contracted a bacterial infection in your stomach."

"What?" Y/N yelled, "that doesn't make any sense. How can a piece of metal cause an infection?"

"It seems that the infection is not from Earth." JARVIS continued "It seems to be an alien infection."

"That piece of metal! That's what caused this, JARVIS can you bring up the results on computer 1?"

"Of course."

The results of the scan were pulled up on the computer and Y/N examined them. Her eyes were attracted to one piece of the results in particular.

Cure: Unknown/Not Possible

"JARVIS what does it mean by no cure possible?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"The infection is not from Earth, therefore it cannot be treated with Earth medicine"

"What are you saying?"

"The infection will spread and it will reach your heart. Unless a cure is found, you will die. I'm sorry Miss Y/L/N."

Y/N's knuckles turned white as she gripped the edge of the desk. No. No. She wasn't going to die. She looked back at the results on the computer. Tears clouded her vision and she began shaking.

"JARVIS delete all of this data."

"Deleting all data."

That was the last thing Y/N heard before she ran out the room. She was shaking and she couldn't control her breathing. Tears ran down her face in a steady stream. She fumbled with the doorknob to the balcony, she managed to get it open and breathed in the cool, evening air. The sun was beginning to sink behind the New York skyscrapers making the sky a dusty pink colour. Still shaking and crying. Y/N smiled. Sunset was her favourite time of the day, it was so beautiful. So peaceful. It made her feel...alive.


A/N ~ There's a part two coming very, very soon *laughs evilly*.....don't judge me, credits to blakesmoak

Thanks for reading!

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