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You were sat in English just waiting for it to end and then you could get out of the hell hole called a school. Finally, the bell rang and everyone piled out the room like their life depended on it.

You packed away all your books and headed out with your bag on your shoulder and a smile on your face.

You turned down a corridor and saw Luke, your boyfriend. Your smile instantly turned into a pissed off frown 'cause last night he had sent a text that really confused and annoyed you.

Waking up to him you put your hand on his shoulder and made him face you rather than his friends he was talking to.

"What the hell is this?" You asked showing him the text. "Dear Y/N, please return my jumper at your earliest convenience as we are no longer dating? What the heck?!" You asked, barely raising your voice, not wanting to grab the attention of people.

"It means can I have my jumper back." He said laughing one fake laugh in a matter of factly tone.

"Why?" You asked now with a disgusted face.

"Well Y/N, in preparation for some changes in my life, I need to drop some of my dead weight." He said pausing a bit. "And you just about the deadest." He smirked.

Tears gathered in your eyes but not enough to spill. You reached into your bag and pulled out his, and yours, favourite jumper and held onto it wanting more answers.

"Are you breaking up with me?" You asked voice small and cracking ever so slightly whilst staring into his ocean eyes.

"Dumping, I'm dumping you actually." He said, making gestures with his hands to what he was saying.

"Wow, dumped by the Co-Captain of the football team. I wonder how many seconds it will take for me to get over that." You said no longer sad but angry.

"I don't care." He said chuckling. You threw his jumper that had been sat in your hands towards his chest. And with that, he walked off making sure to blow a mocking kiss.

It was like an aftershock. Everything around you had collapsed in, over a stupid boy. And tears pooled in your eyes as you walked out the school and headed to your car, which was parked in the far corner away from everyone. Luckily no one could see you.

You locked your car door after getting in and instantly broke down. After about five minutes of sitting there crying someone walked to your window.

"Hey Y/N, what's wrong?" Sam said as you shook your head and instantly rolled up your window to block him out. "Y/N come on. Open the window." He pleaded, knocking on the window.

"Just go away!" You pleaded finally looking into Sam's eyes, wondering why he was even here.

"Whats wrong!" He asked.

"Look I don't need anyone seeing me cry." You said wiping the tears from your eyes. Sam rested his arm on your window and looked at you with desperation in his eyes.

"Oh, come on Y/N. Look you shouldn't care if people see you cry, alright? Especially you." He said whilst you kept your eyes glued to your hands resting in your lap.

"Why?" You asked softly.

"Because I think you look really beautiful when you cry." Sam said admitting his feelings for you, after all this time. You looked away from him and then rolled down the window.

"Really?" You asked, eyes full of hope matching his ones full of guilt and reassurance.

"Of course. Y/N, when we met, I fell in love with you instantly. Then when you started dating Luke, that just made it worse. You were with someone else and that broke my heart but you seemed to be happy. When I heard about how he treated you and that just made me want you more. Y/N I love you and I will never hurt you like he did." Sam said and you just stared deeply at him, licking your lips you grew some courage and finally told him.

"I love you too, Sam. I don't know why I didn't see it before." You told him. You smiled and laughed whilst Sam stared at you confused. "Move out of the way." You said opening the door and throwing your arms around his neck.

He was shocked at first but instantly melted into it and put his hands on your hips. Your hands went into the hair on the nape of his neck and his thumbs rubbed circles on your hips. You both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

"Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling like a maniac. Your mouth instantly shot up into a smile as well.

"Of course." You said going back in for another kiss.


A/N ~ Did you like it? It was soooo cute! Thanks for over 1K reads and keep requesting!

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