Don't cry (part 2)

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TIME SKIP - 4 Months Later

Y/N sat on her bed, talking to her boyfriend on the phone.

"Yes. Yes" She giggled, "Yes. I know. Ok. Ok. Love you too Peter. Bye."

She hung up and put her phone down, diverting her attention back to her laptop, where she was writing her English paper. She had been writing it before Peter had called and they had talked for an hour. A smile played on Y/N's lips as her fingers flew across the keys, she was just thinking about Peter and how he was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Her happiness was short lived though as Bucky and Steve burst into her room.

"What the hell is this?" Steve yelled, holding up a sheet of paper.

Y/N slammed the lid of her laptop shut and looked up. Her heart sank.

It was a printed version of her medical results.

Ever since her diagnosis, Y/N had returned to the medical room every week to be scanned, to see what had changed. The infection had started in her stomach but it had now spread to a few inches from her heart. Sometimes she was in pain, but she just ignored. She thought if she ignored it enough, it would disappear.

"Y/N! Answer me! What is this?" Steve asked again.

"I'm sick." She whispered, "I'm sick." She repeated again, a little louder.

"What do you mean you're sick?" Bucky questioned, his eyes full of concern.

"When we were battling the aliens a few months ago, I was stabbed with a piece of alien shrapnel. There was some sort of, I don't know, a thing on the bit of shrapnel that stabbed me and it planted an infection in my stomach. I got scanned and its..." Y/N wiped a few stray tears that had escaped down her face, "The infection, its fatal and it's, um, it's untreatable."

Both Bucky and Steve were silent, in shock. The girl that they both valued as a little sister was dying, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Steve clenched his fists as tears formed in his eyes.

She was dying.

"What's going on?" Tony asked as he swaggered into the room.

Y/N looked at Bucky and Steve and discretely shook her head, tears glistening in her Y/E/C eyes. Despite her silent pleading, they ignored her.

"Y/N is sick." Bucky stated bluntly.

"What?" Tony replied, "What do you mean she's sick?"

"She's dying." Bucky's voice was hollow.

"Y/N how is this possible?" Tony asked, his voice was full of concern.

Y/N explained the story one more time to Tony, who didn't say anything, he just sat next to her on her bed. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ear.

"You should have told me."

Y/N didn't say anything either, she just hugged him back before pulling away.

"No one tells Peter." She told them.

Y/N has no idea how she was going to tell her boyfriend, she didn't even want to think about it. She was going to lose him - forever.

She was going to die.


The rest of the day was filled with everyone else coming into her room, hugging her, telling her they were sorry, but it didn't help, it made it worse. It just reminded her of what she was going to lose. In the evening he got a text from Peter.

Peter💕: Hey, you weren't at school today? Are you ok? x

Me: I'm fine, just had a stomach bug x

Peter💕: Do you want me to come round? x

Me: If you want, I don't want you to get sick x

Peter💕: I don't care if I get sick, I just want to make sure you're ok. I'm leaving now x

Me: Ok, see you soon. Love you x

Peter💕: Love you xx

Half an hour later, Peter was at Y/N's door, a box of chocolates in his hand and a goofish smile on his face. Y/N smiled as she lay on her bed, faking the stomach flu.

"Hey Y/N." Peter set the chocolates down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "How are you feeling?"

"Better." She paused "Can we go outside, I think that fresh air would be good for me. Plus, it's sunset." She giggled, Peter knew that sunset was her favourite part of the day.

"Sure, let's go." He held out his hand for her to take, "Maybe the sunset will be as beautiful as you."

Y/N blushed as she laced their fingers together. Peter was smooth, she had to give him that. They both leant on the balcony as the sun set, neither of them spoke just appreciating the beauty of the city.

"I'm dying."

Peter's blood ran cold.

"What do you mean? The stomach bug isn't killing you is it?"

Y/N couldn't speak, she didn't know how. How to tell him that she was going to die. Instead, she pulled out the data results that were folded in her back pocket and handed them to it. They stood in silence for a few minutes as Peter read the sheet.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me why you were dying?" Peter asked, his voice raised slightly.

"I didn't know how!" Y/N exclaimed, "How are you meant to tell the person you love that you're going to die? How do you do that? Can you even imagine that?"

Peter gulped and look at his girlfriend. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't think about it that way. Come here."

Peter enveloped Y/N in a hug, his arms holding her tightly, her arms wrapped around his neck. When they pulled away, Y/N looked into Peter's eyes that were shining with tears.

"You are the most beautiful person in the world Y/N."

Peter softly pressed his lips against hers, his hands cupping her face. Y/N gripped onto his jacket, their lips moving perfectly in sync. She could taste salty tears on her lips, and she couldn't tell if they were his or hers.


A/N ~ *grinning like a manic* there's a part three. Credits to blakesmoak

Thanks for reading!

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