C17 ~ 'Best Friends'

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~Lisa’s PoV~

‘Lisa I know you are wondering about my past friendships and the rest of the girls probably are too considering how i acted around them… so come over to my aunts house and i will hopefully be able to answer ya’lls questions’ - Aurora

Wow, shes… wow…

Quickly slipping my phone in my pocket i run down stairs where my sisters are sitting.

“Wow slow down there.” Christina told me.

“why are you in a rush?” Amy asked.

Taking a little bit of time to take a breather.

Wow i am really out of shape…

“Lisa what is it?” Katherine asked.

“Aurora’s going to answer our questions!” I yell out finally being able to catch my breath.

“Lisa! you didn't pressure her did you?” Lauren asked.

“What? No! i would never do that!” I got defensive.

“Then why does she want to tell us now?” Dani asked.

“Well.. I may have confronted her a little bit yesterday…” I hesitated.

“Lisa! What did you do?” Christina scolded me.

“I'm sorry! Its just you should have seen her! When i walked in on her in the bathroom at the park she was like a zombie! I was just worried.” I explained.

“Do you know what happened to her?” Lauren wondered.

“No like i said she was a zombie she wouldn't tell me anything. So i took her to her aunts and Callie answered.” I frowned.

“How did Callie react?” Amy asked.

“She opened the door yelling at Aurora but then saw me and stopped. That's when she noticed Aurora’s condition, but it seemed as if she had been through this before.” I rubbed my head in frustration.

“When are we supposed to go to her aunts house?” Katherine asked.

“Now, i think” I responded.

“Lets go then!” Dani jumped up rushing towards the door the rest of us in tow.

~Aurora’s PoV~

“Are you sure Aurora, are you a 100% sure you are ready to tell them?” Callie asked for the zillionth time.

“I trust them Cal, plus i can tell they are wondering what my problem is…” I sighed.

“Aurora! You're letting them in? You're letting them in!” She clapped happily.

“Its not that surprising! right?” I tilted my head.

“2 years is a long time… I see you try but you end up pushing people away, you have a wall tightly built. Its nice to see it down.” she smiled.

“I'm sorry if i ever pushed you away… and it feels nice to have it down.” I smiled back.

“I'll go get the tissues!” Callie yelled running upstairs.

“You dork.” I yelled back, laughing at her silliness.

Ok they should be here soon. Breath in, breath out, keep my feet flat on the ground, clear your mind.

*Ding Dong*

Show time...

~3rd Person PoV~

Aurora gets up from the couch and opened the door, in front of her stood the 6 sisters.

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