C16 ~ Liora

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~Lisa’s PoV~

“What do you mean she just left you alone?” i ask Amy as i pick her up from the mall.

“It doesn't matter that she left me, its the way she left me.” Amy responded.

“What do you mean?” I glance at her.

“She ran, i step away for a call and she emerges from the mall and runs straight for her car. I tried to get her attention but she kept running.” She sighed.

“Everything is probably ok, maybe she just needed to get to her aunts house” I tried to stay positive.

“I hope so…” She hesitated.

“If you're worried I can go check on her.” I suggested.

“Can you check tomorrow? I don't want her to think we are smothering her.” She bargained.

“Ok, lets go home.” I smiled.

*Next Day*

~Aurora’s PoV~

“Aurora, you look terrible!” Olivia gaped at me as i walked in the kitchen.

“Oh shut it Olivia no one asked you.” I snapped.

“Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” Olivia threw her hands up in surrender.

“Seriously Olivia, shut your trap!” I sneared.

“I'm going to get Callie” Olivia muttered before leaving the room. I rub my temples as i grab an apple. Barely biting into my apple Callie is pushed into the Kitchen.

“Hey! Why did you drag me out of bed for?” Callie yelps.

“Somethings wrong with Aurora” Olivia whispered thinking i couldn't hear her.

“Nothing is wrong with me.” I barked at Olivia.

“Aurora… What's wrong?” Callie slowly walked towards me.

“Nothing is wrong, besides you guys bugging me” I rolled my eyes.

“Olivia can you go away”  Callie turns to Olivia.

“What? Why” Olivia complained.

“Just go! Jeez sometimes i think i'm the oldest” Callie pushed Olivia out of the kitchen.

“Ok now tell me what's wrong.” Callie sat next to me.

“I already told you, nothing is wrong” I groaned.

“We both know that is a lie. Now tell me what's wrong” She persisted.

“What do i have to do to get this through your thick skull NOTHING IS WRONG!” I yelled in her face. Callie looked at me scared to speak. At least thats what her eyes told me.

“Auro-” “Callie just leave me alone.” I cut her off. Swiftly i got out of the chair and started towards my room.

“Aurora stop!” Callie grabbed my arm. I tug my arm out of her grip and run up the stairs. I could hear Callie close behind, with quick thinking i made a Beeline to the balcony, grabbing my purse on the way. As soon as i was outside i swiftly climbed down the ladder that is attached to the side of the house. I reach the end of the ladder and jump the rest of the way.

“Shit!” I gritted my teeth as i landed wrong on my ankle.

“Aurora! Where did you go?” I could hear Callie yell through the house. Luckily everyone else was gone for the time being.

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