Catching up

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Taylor's POV

"A-Allie?" I can barley get out. I'm just so suprised to see her. I never really got over her. Ya I had a relationship or two, but I always compared them to Allie. Never did they ever add up to her, she was just perfect. From the way she bites her nails when she's nervous or the way she's always playing with her beautiful long brown hair.

"Hi.." she finally says as I'm staring into her beautiful blue sea like eys. We just stand there for a little bit staring at each other. I take this time to take in every detail about her face. She has barley noticeable freckles all around her face, her cheeks the perfect shade of rose.

"Soo uhh what have you been up to?" I ask trying to break the awkwardness.

"Umm well I moved here with Jenn and Nash. Jenn and I now have a house together and were going to University of Southern Cal. What have you been up to?"

"Really?! I'm going to Southern Cal too, but uhmm back to your question nothing much. Carter, Jack G, Jack J and I got a house not to far from here. What are you going to school for?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going.

"Teaching. What about you?" I always thought she would be a good teacher, when she used to come over she was always so good with my little sister Rebecca.

"You'll make a great teacher someday. I still want to be an actor."

"Cool. Hey I was just heading to Starbucks, wanna come?"

"Still addicted to coffee I see haha but sure!"

Allies POV

What did I just do?? I don't think I can't keep conversation going for that long. Ughhh! "Hang on one sec let me quick tell Jenn I'll be a bit longer."

To Jenn 😂🙌❤: Hey I ran into Taylor on my way to Starbucks 😵...were gonna go have coffee so your coffee will be a bit longer.

From Jenn 😂🙌❤: OMG really?! 😱 No need to get us coffee were gonna go to the beach..we might not be home when you get there. Txt me how things go!

"Okay, ready?!"

"Yep lets go!" We walk ik silence for a while, but it's not as akward as I thought it would be. I try breaking the silence "Soo what brought you to California?"

"Well Southern Cal had some great drama and acting classes, I loved the campus, and I've always wanted to be by the beach. Not stuck in a little boring old town in Indiana." I chuckle a little at the last part. It was true, the town we lived in was fairly small, old, and boring.

We finally get to Starbucks and the smell of delicious java beans instantly fills my nostrils. We walk up to order there's only a couple people ahead of us.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks! What can I get for ya?"

"Hi can I get a grande iced vanilla macchiato?"

"Sure! Can I get your name please?"

"Allie." I simply reply. This girl is very pretty. She has long blackish brown wavy hair that I evny much. Her name tag says 'Andrea' I've always loved that name, simple and cute.

"Alright Allie your total is $4.37. Your drink will be ready in a few!" I quickly pay and go and wait for my drink.

Taylor gets a Carmel Frapp, same old same old. Once we both get out drinks we find an empty table and sit. It'a silent for a little bit as were both drinking our drinks. All of a sudden Taylor speaks up.

"Soo uhhh how are Jenn and Nash doing?"

"Good Jenn is taking classes to be a physical therapist and Nash still wants to be an actor as well. Maybe you guys might have classes together!"

"Yeah that would be awesome! I haven't talked to Nash or Cam in what seems like forever!"

"Haha well maybe we could all hang out sometime and get the gang back together." By gang I mean me, Jenn, Nash, Taylor, Cameron, Matt, Carter, the Jack's and our friend Mahogany. We did everything together it seems like. I wonder what Mahogany is doin these days, after high school we pretty much lost contact.

"Do you know what Mahogany's doing now?"

"Not a clue." he replies blankly.

Taylor's POV

I never realized how much I missed Allie until now. I think I could use a girl to help me back onto my feet. Now that I know Allie is where I am I have one goal. Getting her back.

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