Long time no see

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*Three years later*

Allies POV

Things have been going really great lately. I recently moved to Californa with Jenn and Nash. Jenn and I will be attending University of Southern Californa in the fall, I'm taking classes to become a teacher. Nash lives about 30 minutes away. He also got a house and moved in with Cameron and Matt. Jenn and Nash are still going strong, as for me I'm staying away from guys for awhile. Ever since Taylor I haven't really wanted to get into another relationship, I never really talked to him after what he did. He tried calling and texting so many times, but I just ingnored him. So now that I think about it I haven't talked to him in almost three years. I wonder what he's doing these days.....

Jenn and I are just watching re-runs of Modern Family when we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I say already getting up.

"Hey All!" Nash says engulfing me in a hug.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever!" Nash and Jenn and I talk for awhile. I'm getting kind of bored so I think I might go for a walk..a walk to Starbucks that is.

"Hey guys I'm going to head to Starbucks and get some coffee. Want anything?

"Can you get me a carmel frapp?" Jenn asks followed by a "same" from Nash.

"Sure thing. Be back in 20." Stepping outside to the sweet smell of the summer air always makes me smile. Starbucks is only a couple blocks away from our house, which is one of the reasons I loved the house. If you don't know I may have a slight obsession with coffee. When I walk I just like to think about life. I guess I got to carried away in my thoughts when suddenly bump into someone and fall to the ground pretty hard migh I say.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I hear a fimlilar voice say.

"No it''s not your fault I wasn't paying attention" I say as I get up. Once I get up I'm reunited with the beautiful brown eyes I've missed so much. After staring at each other for what seems like forever. I finally can speak. "Taylor?" That was dumb to say I think to myself. Of course it's Taylor dumbass!

"A-Allie?" He chokes as he gets that one word out.

A/N: Thanks for reading....theres not many reads but read counts! It would be awesome if you would share this story! Thanks!

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