Chapter 29

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Tom's POV
Once Bill, Peyton and I arrived at the hospital we ran inside. I looked around and saw mom with her face in her hands.
"Mom!" I yelled and she looked up with tears in her eyes. I ran over with Peyton and Bill.
"Grammy!" Peyton said excitedly.
"Hi Peyton." Mom said sadly.
"Why you cry Grammy? You hurt?" Peyton asked concerned.
"No sweetie." My mom said sadly.
"What is it mom?" Bill asked worried.
"It's your sister." Mom said and that made Bill and I freeze.
"W-what about her?" I stuttered.
"They wouldn't tell me. They were still treating her injuries when I got here." Mom said
Bill and I each sat on an opposite side of mom with Peyton in Bill's lap.
"I'm sure she's fine mom." Bill said.
"I hope so Billy." Mom said sadly.
"She will be mom. Courtney is strong like Bill and I." I said with a smile.
"Courtney Kaulitz?"
A doctor asked and all of us stood up and Bill held Peyton in his arms.
"Guardian?" The doctor asked looking at all of us.
"That's me. I'm her mother." Mom said
"Please come with me." The doctor said and lead mom away from us.
"Is mommy okay?" Peyton asked worried.
"I sure hope so little man." I said worried.

Simone's POV
"What's wrong with my daughter?!" I asked frantically.
"Mrs. Kaulitz your daughter has multiple bruises, a broken rib, and a broken wrist. Also...." The doctor said
"Also what?! What is wrong with my daughter?!" I yelled in anger.
"You're daughter was raped. I'm sorry." The doctor said.
"May my sons and grandchild and I see her?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"Yes you may but she may be asleep." The doctor said.
"Room 21A" the doctor said and I headed back to where my sons and nephew was.
"Well?!" Bill said worried
"We can see her but we have to be quiet. She may be sleeping." I said and asked the nurse where who room number was and headed into the room with the twins and Peyton. Oh who would do this to my daughter?! I thought. As soon as we were in her room I broke down to the sight of my beaten up daughter.

Bill's POV
Seeing mom break down as soon as she saw Courtney broke both Tom and I's heart. Our sister looked so broken. She was asleep so we entered her room quietly and sat on the side of her bed with Peyton in my lap.
"Mommy?" Peyton asked trying to shake Courtney.
"Peyton stop!" Tom raised his voice and he looked at Tom scared but nodded.
"I'm sorry Peyton." Tom said sadly
"It okay uncle Tomi. Why mommy sleeping? It not bed time!" Peyton said
"Mommy is tired." I said
"Why? Why mommy have booboos?" Peyton asked.
"Someone hurt mommy sweetie." My mom said to Peyton.
"Why?! Who would hurt mommy?" Peyton asked sadly.
"I don't know but we'll ask her when she wakes up." I said.
Peyton nodded and for another hour Tom, Mom, Peyton and I sat with Courtney in her room until she started to stir. We heard her groan.
"Where am I?" Courtney said and opened her eyes slowly and then closed them again due to the brightness. Once she opened them I hugged her gently.
"You're in the hospital. Courtney tell us what happened?" I asked worriedly and tears formed in her eyes. I could tell that this wasn't going to be good.

Courtney POV
As soon as I opened my eyes and Bill asked what happened I could feel tears form in my eyes. I have never seen Yu like that before. How do I tell my family that it was Yu that did this?
"I-I can't." I choke in a sob.
"Why not dear?" Mom asked
"I-I don't want to talk about it." I said.
"Mommy okay?" Peyton asked coming near me. I couldn't even look at my son.
"C-can someone please take Peyton from the room?" I said sadly.
"Why?" Tom asked
"Please someone just do it!" I raised my voice with tears in my eyes.
"Come on Peyton, why don't we go check out the gift shop." My mom said
"But mommy!" Peyton whined.
"Please Peyton, just go with Grammy. I'll be here when you get back." I said and Peyton took my mom's hand and she looked at me and then at my brothers then at me again. She must know what happened but my brothers don't and I nodded. She then left with Peyton.
"Courtney why don't you want Peyton here?" Bill asked
"Because I need to tell you guys something and I didn't want Peyton to hear it." I said sadly.
"What is it?" Tom asked
"I-I was abused a-and raped." I said and looked up to see a shocked look on both of my brothers faces. This was going to be a long story.

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